A Computer Model for the Generation of Visual Compositions

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Rafael Perez Y Perez, Maria Gonzalez de Cossio and Ivan Guerrero: A Computer Model for the Generation of Visual Compositions. In: Computational Creativity 2013 ICCC 2013, 104-112.



This paper describes a computer model for visual composi- tions. It formalises a series of concepts that allows a comput- er agent to progress a visual work. We implemented a proto- type to test the model; it employs letters from the alphabet to create its compositions. The knowledge base was built from examples provided by designers. From these examples the system obtained the necessary information to produce novel compositions. We asked a panel of experts to evaluate the material produced by our system. The results suggest that we are in the right track although much more work needs to be done.

Extended Abstract


author = {Rafael Perez Y Perez, Maria Gonzalez de Cossio and Ivan Guerrero},
title = {A Computer Model for the Generation of Visual Compositions},
editor = {Simon Colton, Dan Ventura, Nada Lavrac, Michael Cook},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Creativity},
series = {ICCC2013},
year = {2013},
month = {Jun},
location = {Sydney, New South Wales, Australia},
pages = {104-112},
url = {http://www.computationalcreativity.net/iccc2013/download/iccc2013-perez-y-perez-gonzalez-de-cossio-guerrero.pdf, http://de.evo-art.org/index.php?title=A_Computer_Model_for_the_Generation_of_Visual_Compositions },
publisher = {International Association for Computational Creativity},
keywords = {computational, creativity},

Used References

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