A Method for Generating Phyliotaxis over Surfaces of Revolution

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Jon McCormack: A Method for Generating Phyliotaxis over Surfaces of Revolution. Technical Report, No. 2003/149, December, 2003. Monash University, Melbourne.



This paper describes a method for generating phyllotaxis on surfaces of revo- lution. It extends the work done by previous authors in using Lindenmayer systems (L-systems) to model phyllotaxis in plants for the purposes of generat- ing realistic visual models. The method described permits placement of small elements in phyllotactic patterns over surfaces of revolution. An area-based phyllotactic model is described which gives an analytic equation relating the elements to be placed and the area they cover on the surface. From this rela- tionship, it is possible to calculate where on the surface each element should be placed, even if the individual elements vary in size. Geometric models can be created using a turtle interpretation of parametric modules generated by an L- system. Examples are shown for placement on spheres, oblate and prolate spheroids. Example images of plants, generated using this model, are also il- lustrated.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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