Curious Whispers: An Embodied Artificial Creative System

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Rob Saunders, Petra Gemeinboeck, Adrian Lombard, Dan Bourke, Baki Kocaballi: Curious Whispers: An Embodied Artificial Creative System. In: Computational Creativity 2010 ICCC 2010. 100-109.



Creativity, whether or not it is computational, doesn’t occur in a vacuum, it is a situated, embodied activity that is connected with cultural, social, personal and physical contexts. Artificial creative sys- tems are computational models that attempt to capture personal, social and cultural aspects of human creativity. The physical embodiment of artificial creative systems presents significant challenges and opportuni- ties. This paper introduces the “Curious Whispers” project, an attempt to embody an artificial creative system as a collection of autonomous mo- bile robots that communicate through simple “songs”. The challenges of developing an autonomous robotic platform suitable for constructing ar- tificial creative systems are discussed. We conclude by examining some of the opportunities of this embodied approach to computational creativity.

Extended Abstract


author = {Rob Saunders, Petra Gemeinboeck, Adrian Lombard, Dan Bourke, Baki Kocaballi},
title = {Curious Whispers: An Embodied Artificial Creative System},
editor = {Dan Ventura, Alison Pease, Rafael P ́erez y P ́erez, Graeme Ritchie and Tony Veale},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Creativity},
series = {ICCC2010},
year = {2010},
month = {January},
location = {Lisbon, Portugal},
pages = {100-109},
url = {, },
publisher = {International Association for Computational Creativity},
keywords = {computational, creativity},

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