Deep multi-patch aggregation network for image style, aesthetics, and quality estimation
Xin Lu, Zhe Lin, Xiaohui Shen, Radomir Mech, James Z Wang: Deep multi-patch aggregation network for image style, aesthetics, and quality estimation. The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015, pp. 990-998.
This paper investigates problems of image style, aesthetics, and quality estimation, which require fine-grained details from high-resolution images, utilizing deep neural network training approach. Existing deep convolutional neural networks mostly extracted one patch such as a down-sized crop from each image as a training example. However, one patch may not always well represent the entire image, which may cause ambiguity during training. We propose a deep multi-patch aggregation network training approach, which allows us to train models using multiple patches generated from one image. We achieve this by constructing multiple, shared columns in the neural network and feeding multiple patches to each of the columns. More importantly, we propose two novel network layers (statistics and sorting) to support aggregation of those patches. The proposed deep multi-patch aggregation network integrates shared feature learning and aggregation function learning into a unified framework. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the deep multi-patch aggregation network on the three problems, i.e., image style recognition, aesthetic quality categorization, and image quality estimation. Our models trained using the proposed networks significantly outperformed the state of the art in all three applications.
Extended Abstract
@InProceedings{Lu_2015_ICCV, author = {Lu, Xin and Lin, Zhe and Shen, Xiaohui and Mech, Radomir and Wang, James Z.}, title = {Deep Multi-Patch Aggregation Network for Image Style, Aesthetics, and Quality Estimation}, booktitle = {The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, month = {December}, year = {2015}, pages={990-998}, url={,_aesthetics,_and_quality_estimation }, }
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