Evolution of Animated Photomosaics

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Ciesielski, Victor; Berry, Marsha; Trist, Karen; D'Souza, Daryl: Evolution of Animated Photomosaics. In: EvoMUSART 2007, S. 498-507.




Photomosaics are images composed of smaller images (tiles). Viewed close up the details of the tiles are evident and the big picture is lost. Viewed from a distance the detail of the tiles is lost and the big picture is evident. We show how photomosaics can be generated by evolutionary search and how animations can be created by using the best individuals in a generation as frames of a movie. The animations can generate engaging visual effects such as gradually ‘materialising’ a face from a random arrangement of tiles on a screen. Our animations explore self representation through dynamic reinterpretations of mosaic and iconography traditions using target images and tiles that we created.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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Generation of Self-Referential Animated Photomosaics