Evolution of artificial terrains for video games based on obstacles edge length

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Miguel Frade and F. Fernandez de Vega and Carlos Cotta: Evolution of artificial terrains for video games based on obstacles edge length. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2010), IEEE Press, 18-23 July 2010.




Several methods have been developed to generate terrains under constraints to control terrain features, but most of them use strict restrictions. However, there are situations were more flexible restrictions are sufficient, such as ensuring that terrains have enough accessible area, which is an important trait for video games. Many terrains, generated with Genetic Terrain Program technique, based only on the desired accessibility parameters presented a single large non-accessible area. In an attempt to solve this problem a new fitness function, based on obstacles edge length, is presented on this paper. Results showed that the new metric suits our goal and also produces many terrains with novelty and aesthetic appeal. Terrains produced this way are already being used on Chapas video game.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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