Filterscape: Energy Recycling in a Creative Ecosystem

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Eldridge, Alice; Dorin, Alan: Filterscape: Energy Recycling in a Creative Ecosystem. In: EvoMUSART 2009, S. 508-517.



This paper extends previous work in evolutionary ecosystemic approaches to generative art. Filterscape, adopts the implicit fitness specification that is fundamental to this approach and explores the use of resource recycling as a means of generating coherent sonic diversity in a generative sound work. Filterscape agents consume and deposit energy that is manifest in the simulation as sound. Resource recycling is shown to support cooperative as well as competitive survival strategies. In the context of our simulation, these strategies are recognised by their characteristic audible signatures. The model provides a novel means to generate sonic diversity through de-centralised agent interactions.

Extended Abstract


booktitle={Applications of Evolutionary Computing},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor={Giacobini, Mario and Brabazon, Anthony and Cagnoni, Stefano and Di Caro, GianniA. and Ekárt, Anikó and Esparcia-Alcázar, AnnaIsabel and Farooq, Muddassar and Fink, Andreas and Machado, Penousal},
title={Filterscape: Energy Recycling in a Creative Ecosystem},
url={ },
publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
author={Eldridge, Alice and Dorin, Alan},

Used References

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