Fractal Analogies: Preliminary Results from the Raven's Test of Intelligence

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Keith McGreggor, Maithilee Kunda, and Ashok Goel: Fractal Analogies: Preliminary Results from the Raven's Test of Intelligence. In: Computational Creativity 2011 ICCC 2011, pp. 69-71.



The geometric analogy problems of the Raven's Progressive Matrices tests of intelligence appear to require many of the information-processing elements that form the basis of computational theories of general creativity: imagistic representations and reasoning; pattern detection and abstraction; analogical mapping, transfer and instantiation, and so on. In our method of addressing the test, an image is encoded as fractals, capturing its inherent self-similarity. Herein we present preliminary results from using the fractal technique on all 60 problems from the Standard Progressive Matrices version of the Raven's test.

Extended Abstract


author = {Keith McGreggor, Maithilee Kunda, and Ashok Goel},
title = {Fractal Analogies: Preliminary Results from the Raven's Test of Intelligence},
editor = {Dan Ventura, Pablo Gervás, D. Fox Harrell, Mary Lou Maher, Alison Pease and Geraint Wiggins},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Creativity},
series = {ICCC2011},
year = {2011},
month = {April},
location = {México City, México},
pages = {69-71},
url = {,'s_Test_of_Intelligence },
publisher = {International Association for Computational Creativity},
keywords = {computational, creativity},

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