Geometric Sculpture for K-12: Geos, Hyperseeing, and Hypersculptures

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Nathaniel A. Friedman: Geometric Sculpture for K-12: Geos, Hyperseeing, and Hypersculptures. In: Bridges 1999. Pages 55–62



Just as children are taught fue 3R's, they should also be taught the S (for seeing). Our purpose is to teach children how to see they way a sculptor sees as well as the way a mathematician sees. Children will first make their own geometric sculpture (geos). This direct hands-on experience will facilitate learning to see the way a sculptor sees. Once they have constructed their geo, they can then construct a copy twice as large. They can also view mirror images as well as construct mirror images. These exercises will facilitate learning to see the way a mathematician sees. The children may also construct hypersculptures which will enable them to hypersee.

Extended Abstract


Used References

[1] N.A. Friedman, Hyperspace, Hyperseeing, Hypersculptures, Conference Proceedings, Mathematics and Design 98, Javier Barrallo, Editor, San Sebastian, Spain.

[2] N .A. Friedman, Hyperseeing, Hyperscuiptures, and Space Curves, Conference Proceedings, 1998 Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science, Reza Sarhangi, Editor, Winfield,Kansas, USA.

[3] N.A. Friedman, Hyperspace, Hyperseeing, Hypersculptures (withfigures), Hyperspace, volume 7, 1998, Japan Institute of Hyperspace Science, Kyoto, Japan.

[4] N.A. Friedman, Constructing Geometric Sculptures for K-12: Geos, Hyperseeing, Hypersculptures, and Space Curves.


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