NEC Polygonal Groups and Tessellations

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Domingo Gámez, Miguel Pasadas, Rafael Pérez and Ceferino Ruiz: NEC Polygonal Groups and Tessellations. In: Bridges 2003. Pages 299–306



A kaleidoscope is obtained as the quotient of a space by the discontinuous action of a discrete group of transformations; this can also be obtained from a fundamental domain which characterizes it. In the present study, the specific case of the Hyperbolic Plane is analyzed with respect to the I).ction of a hyperbolic polygonal group, which is a particular case of an NEC group. Under the action of these groups, the hyperbolic plane is tessellated using tiles with a polygonal shape. The generators of the group are reflections in the sides of the polygon. Clear examples of quadrilateral tessellations of the hyperbolic plane with Saccheri and Lambert quadrilaterals -designed using the Hyperbol package created for Mathematica software- and are found in the basic structure of some of the mosaics of M.C. Escher.

Extended Abstract


Used References

A.F. Beardon, Hyperbolic polygons and Fuchsian groups, J. London Math. Soc., Vol. 20, pp. 247-255. 1979.

[2] M. C. Escher, Regelmatige vlakverdeling, Stichting 'De Roos', Utrech, 1958.

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[4] D. Gamez, M. Pasadas, R. Perez, C. Ruiz, Hyperbolic Plane Tesselations. Proceedings of the VI Journees Zaragoza-Pau de Mathematiques Appliquees et Statistique, pp. 257-264, Jaca, Spain, 1999.

[5] D. Gamez, M.Pasadas, R. Perez, C. Ruiz, Regla y compas hiperb6licos electronicos para teselar. Proceedings of the I Encuentro de Matematicos Andaluces, Vol. 2, pp.:467-474, Sevilla, 2000.

[6] D. Gamez, M. Pasadas, R. Perez, C. Ruiz, The Lambert quadrilateral and tesselations in the hyperbolic plane. Int. Math. J., Vol. 2, pp. 777-795, 2002.

[7] D. Gamez, M. Pasadas, R. Perez, C. Ruiz, The Saccheri Quadrilateral, Translations and Tes- selations in the Hyperbolic Plane (Submitted).

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[10] E. Martinez, Convex Fundamental Regions for NEG Groups, Arch. Math., Vol. 47, pp. 457-464, 1986.

[11] R.perez Gomez, Espacios Gromaticos. PhD Thesis, Granada, 1992.

[12] H. C. Wilkie, On Non-Euclidean Crystallographic Groups, Math. Z., Vol. 91, pp.87-102, 1966.

[13] Haags Gemeentemuseum, M. G. Escher (1898-1972). Regelmatige Vlakverdelingen in het Haags Gemmentemuseum (Regular divisions of the plane at the Haags Gemeentemuseum), Snoeck- Ducaju & Zoon, Gent, 1986.

[14] Koninklijke Erven J.J. Tijl N.V., M. G. Escher "Grafiek en Tekeningen", Zwolle, 1959.


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