Rating Image Aesthetics Using Deep Learning

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Lu, X.; Lin, Z.; Jin, H.; Yang, J.; Wang, J.Z.: Rating Image Aesthetics Using Deep Learning. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2015, Volume: 17, Issue: 11, 2021 - 2034.




This paper investigates unified feature learning and classifier training approaches for image aesthetics assessment . Existing methods built upon handcrafted or generic image features and developed machine learning and statistical modeling techniques utilizing training examples. We adopt a novel deep neural network approach to allow unified feature learning and classifier training to estimate image aesthetics. In particular, we develop a double-column deep convolutional neural network to support heterogeneous inputs, i.e., global and local views, in order to capture both global and local characteristics of images . In addition, we employ the style and semantic attributes of images to further boost the aesthetics categorization performance . Experimental results show that our approach produces significantly better results than the earlier reported results on the AVA dataset for both the generic image aesthetics and content -based image aesthetics. Moreover, we introduce a 1.5-million image dataset (IAD) for image aesthetics assessment and we further boost the performance on the AVA test set by training the proposed deep neural networks on the IAD dataset.

Extended Abstract


author={Lu, X. and Lin, Z. and Jin, H. and Yang, J. and Wang, J.Z.},
journal={Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on},
title={Rating Image Aesthetics Using Deep Learning},
keywords={Computer architecture;Image color analysis;Machine learning;Neural networks;Semantics;Training;Visualization;Automatic feature learning;deep neural networks;image aesthetics},
url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMM.2015.2477040, http://de.evo-art.org/index.php?title=Rating_Image_Aesthetics_Using_Deep_Learning },

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