Real-World Tessellations

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Robert W. Fathauer: Real-World Tessellations. In: Bridges 2015. Pages 107–112



We present photographs of natural and synthetic tessellations taken over a period of several years in locations around the world. We give several examples that illustrate how and where tessellations arise in the real world. Line drawings of tessellations based on the photographs are included in some cases to make points about the characteristics of the tessellation.

Extended Abstract


 author      = {Robert W. Fathauer},
 title       = {Real-World Tessellations},
 pages       = {107--112},
 booktitle   = {Proceedings of Bridges 2015: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture},
 year        = {2015},
 editor      = {Kelly Delp, Craig S. Kaplan, Douglas McKenna and Reza Sarhangi},
 isbn        = {978-1-938664-15-1},
 issn        = {1099-6702},
 publisher   = {Tessellations Publishing},
 address     = {Phoenix, Arizona},
 note        = {Available online at \url{ }},
 url         = { },

Used References

[1] David Bailey, Cairo Tiling,, accessed Jan. 31, 2015.

[2] Robert W. Fathauer, Tessellations in Our World, Tessellations Books, Phoenix, AZ, 2014.

[3] Robert Field, Geometric Patterns from Churches & Cathedrals, Tarquin Publications, St. Albans, UK, 1996.

[4] Robert Field, Geometric Patterns from Tiles & Brickwork, Tarquin Publications, St. Albans, UK, 2004.

[5] Branko Grünbaum and G.C. Shephard, Tilings and Patterns, W.H. Freeman, New York, NY, 1987.

[6] Issam El-Said and Ayşe Parman, Geometric Concepts in Islamic Art, Dale Seymour Publications, Palo Alto, CA, 1976.

[7] Jerry Slocum and Jack Botermans, Puzzles Old & New, Plenary Publications International, Utrect, 1986.

[8] Dorothy K. Washburn and Donald W. Crowe, Symmetries of Culture: Theory and Practice of Plane Pattern Analysis, University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA, 1991.


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