Renderbots – multi agent systems for direct image generation

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Schlechtweg, S., Germer, T., Strothotte, T.: Renderbots – multi agent systems for direct image generation. Computer Graphics Forum 24(2), 283–290 (2005)



The term stroke-based rendering collectively describes techniques where images are generated from elements that are usually larger than a pixel. These techniques lend themselves well for rendering artistic styles such as stippling and hatching. This paper presents a novel approach for stroke-based rendering that exploits multi-agent systems. RenderBots are individual agents each of which in general represents one stroke. They form a multi-agent system and undergo a simulation to distribute themselves in the environment. The environment consists of a source image and possibly additional G-buffers. The final image is created when the simulation is finished by having each RenderBot execute its painting function. RenderBot classes differ in their physical behavior as well as their way of painting so that different styles can be created in a very flexible way.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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