Shake it up - Image Decomposition and Rearrangements of Its Constituents

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Lena Gieseke, Sven Klingel, and Martin Fuchs: Shake it up - Image Decomposition and Rearrangements of Its Constituents. In: Computational Aesthetics 2015 CAE'15, 141-147.



Art aspires to surprise an observer and to offer a different perspective. Changing one's perspective enables a deeper understanding of the examined subject and gives insights that are invisible in the original. We propose a method to automatically deconstruct an image into visually coherent constituents and to rearrange those pieces in a surprising, aesthetically pleasing, and potentially informative fashion. Our pipeline is flexible and users can create their individual desired artistic expressions. We show with a survey that the visual appeal of the results vary in regard to the chosen parameter combinations. Lastly, we showcase a variety of examples that explore the design space and hope to show that a reconfiguration in itself presents a new piece of art.

Extended Abstract


author = {Gieseke, L. and Klingel, S. and Fuchs, M.},
title = {Shake It Up - Image Decomposition and Rearrangements of Its Constituents},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Aesthetics},
series = {CAE '15},
year = {2015},
location = {Istanbul, Turkey},
pages = {141--147},
numpages = {7},
url = { },
acmid = {2811247},
publisher = {Eurographics Association},
address = {Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland},

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