The Evolution of 3D Procedural Textures

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A. Hewgill and Brian J. Ross: The Evolution of 3D Procedural Textures. Proceedings GECCO-2003 Late-Breaking Papers, Chicago IL, pp. 146-147.



Genetic programming is used to automati- cally synthesize procedural textures for 3D surfaces. The GP system evolves textures with similar colour and surface characteris- tics as training textures sampled on 3D mod- els. The texture language includes mathe- matical operators, colour and noise functions, as well as surface information for the point being rendered, such as coordinates, normal, and gradient. Experiments successfully gen- erated procedural textures that displayed vi- sual characteristics similar to target textures.

Extended Abstract


Used References

Ebert, D.S., F.K. Musgrave, D. Peachey, K. Perlin and S. Worley (1998). Texturing and Modeling: a Pro- cedural Approach. 2 ed.. Academic Press.

Hewgill, A. and B.J. Ross (2003). Procedural 3D Texture Synthesis Using Genetic Programming. Technical Report CS-03-06. Brock University, Dept. of Computer Science.

Ibrahim, A.E.M. (1998). GenShade: an Evolutionary Approach to Automatic and Interactive Procedu- ral Texture Generation. PhD thesis. Texas A&M University.

Rooke, S. (2002). Eons of Genetically Evolved Algo- rithmic Images. In: Creative Evolutionary Sys- tems (P.J. Bentley and D.W. Corne, Eds.). pp. 330–365. Morgan Kaufmann.

Ross, B.J. and H. Zhu (2002). Procedural Texture Evo- lution Using Multiobjective Optimization. Tech- nical Report CS-02-18. Brock University, Dept. of Computer Science.

Sims, K. (1993). Interactive evolution of equations for procedural models. The Visual Computer 9, 466– 476.

Wiens, A.L. and B.J. Ross (2002). Gentropy: Evolu- tionary 2D Texture Generation. Computers and Graphics Journal 26(1), 75–88.

Zongker, D. and B. Punch (1995). lil-gp 1.0 User’s Manual. Dept. of Computer Science, Michigan State University.


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