The Square, the Circle and the Golden Proportion - A New Class of Geometrical Constructions

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Janusz Kapusta: The Square, the Circle and the Golden Proportion - A New Class of Geometrical Constructions. In: Bridges 2000. Pages 247–254



The reason behind taking another look at the number Phi is its overwhelming appearance in art, nature and mathematics [1,2,3]. I feel that such a power must have a deep basis. As a result of this investigation I have discovered a new world of geometrical relationships residing within the square and the circle. This picture essay can be read as an example of how complexity emerges inexorably from simplicity.

Extended Abstract


Used References

1. Kappraff, J. Connections: The Geometric Bridge between Art arul Science. New York: McGraw-Hill (1991)

2. Hertz-Fischler, R. A Mathematical History of the Golden Number. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications (1998)

3. Huntley, H.E. The Divine Proportion: A Study in A Mathematical Beauty. New York: Dover Publications (1970)

4. Brunes, T. The Secrets ofAncient Geometry and its Use. Copenhagen: Rhodos (1967)

5. Kappraff, J. Beyond Measure: A Guided Tour through Nature, Myth, and Mathematics. (In press)

6. Hawkins, B. Stonehenge Decoded New York: Dell (1966)


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