Generating Apt Metaphor Ideas for Pictorial Advertising: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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== Reference ==
== Reference ==
Ping Xiao and Josep Blat: [[Generating Apt Metaphor Ideas for Pictorial Advertising]]. In: [[Computational Creativity 2013 ICCC 2013]].  
Ping Xiao and Josep Blat: [[Generating Apt Metaphor Ideas for Pictorial Advertising]]. In: [[Computational Creativity 2013 ICCC 2013]], 8-15.  
== DOI ==
== DOI ==
Zeile 35: Zeile 35:
== Bibtex ==
== Bibtex ==
  author = {},
  author = {Ping Xiao and Josep Blat},
  title = {},
  title = {Generating Apt Metaphor Ideas for Pictorial Advertising},
  editor = {Simon Colton, Dan Ventura, Nada Lavrač, Michael Cook},
  editor = {Simon Colton, Dan Ventura, Nada Lavrač, Michael Cook},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Creativity},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Creativity},
Zeile 43: Zeile 43:
  month = {Jun},
  month = {Jun},
  location = {Sydney, New South Wales, Australia},
  location = {Sydney, New South Wales, Australia},
  pages = {},
  pages = {8-15},
  url = { },
  url = {, },
  publisher = {International Association for Computational Creativity},
  publisher = {International Association for Computational Creativity},
  keywords = {computational, creativity},
  keywords = {computational, creativity},

Aktuelle Version vom 12. November 2015, 14:18 Uhr


Ping Xiao and Josep Blat: Generating Apt Metaphor Ideas for Pictorial Advertising. In: Computational Creativity 2013 ICCC 2013, 8-15.



Pictorial metaphor is a popular way of expression in creative advertising. It attributes certain desirable quali- ty to the advertised product. We adopt a general two- stage computational approach in order to generate apt metaphor ideas for pictorial advertisements. The first stage looks for concepts which have high imageability and the selling premise as one of their prototypical properties. The second stage evaluates the aptness of the candidate vehicles (found in the first stage) in re- gard to four metrics, including affect polarity, salience, secondary attributes and similarity with tenor. These four metrics are conceived based on the general charac- teristics of metaphor and its specialty in advertisements. We developed a knowledge extraction method for the first stage and utilized an affect lexicon and two seman- tic relatedness measures to implement the aptness me- trics of the second stage. The capacity of our computer program is demonstrated in a task of reproducing the pictorial metaphor ideas used in three real advertise- ments. All the three original metaphors were replicated, as well as a few other vehicles recommended, which, we consider, would make effective advertisements as well.

Extended Abstract


author = {Ping Xiao and Josep Blat},
title = {Generating Apt Metaphor Ideas for Pictorial Advertising},
editor = {Simon Colton, Dan Ventura, Nada Lavrač, Michael Cook},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computational Creativity},
series = {ICCC2013},
year = {2013},
month = {Jun},
location = {Sydney, New South Wales, Australia},
pages = {8-15},
url = {, },
publisher = {International Association for Computational Creativity},
keywords = {computational, creativity},

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