Computational Creativity 2012 ICCC 2012: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 14: Zeile 14:
'''Keynote Speaker'''
'''Keynote Speaker'''
Steven M. Smith: Mechanisms of Creative Cognition: Theory and Research
* Steven M. Smith: Mechanisms of Creative Cognition: Theory and Research.
'''Session 1 Conceptual Blending Chair: [[Simon Colton]]'''
'''Session 1 Conceptual Blending Chair: [[Simon Colton]]'''
From Conceptual “Mash-ups” to “Bad-ass” Blends: A Robust Computational Model of Conceptual Blending
* Tony Veale: From Conceptual “Mash-ups” to “Bad-ass” Blends: A Robust Computational Model of Conceptual Blending.
Tony Veale [pdf]
Goal-Driven Conceptual Blending: A Computational Approach for Creativity
* Boyang Li, Alexander Zook, Nicholas Davis and Mark Riedl: Goal-Driven Conceptual Blending: A Computational Approach for Creativity.
Boyang Li, Alexander Zook, Nicholas Davis and Mark Riedl [pdf]
11:00 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Session 2 Analogy (RP)
Chair: Pablo Gervás
'''Session 2 Analogy Chair: Pablo Gervás'''
A Creative Analogy Machine: Results and Challenges
Diarmuid O’Donoghue and Mark T. Keane: A Creative Analogy Machine: Results and Challenges.  
Diarmuid O’Donoghue and Mark T. Keane [pdf]
Automated Generation of Cross-Domain Analogies via Evolutionary Computation
* Atilim Gunes Baydin, Ramon Lopez De Mantaras and Santiago Ontanon: Automated Generation of Cross-Domain Analogies via Evolutionary Computation.
Atilim Gunes Baydin, Ramon Lopez De Mantaras and Santiago Ontanon [pdf]
Cross-domain literature mining: Finding bridging concepts with CrossBee
* Matjaz Jursic, Bojan Cestnik, Tanja Urbancic and Nada Lavrac: Cross-domain literature mining: Finding bridging concepts with CrossBee.
Matjaz Jursic, Bojan Cestnik, Tanja Urbancic and Nada Lavrac [pdf]
13:00-14:00 Lunch (provided)
14:00-15:00 Session 3 Search (RP)
Chair: Nick Montfort
'''Session 3 Search Chair: Nick Montfort'''
A closer look at creativity as search
* Graeme Ritchie: A closer look at creativity as search.
Graeme Ritchie [pdf]
Creative Search Trajectories and their Implications
* v: Creative Search Trajectories and their Implications.
Kyle Jennings [pdf]
15:00-16:00 Coffee Break + Interactive Demonstrations
16:00-17:30 Session 4 Reflections (PP)
Chair: Dan Ventura
''''Session 4 Reflections Chair: Dan Ventura'''
The Creative Computer as Romantic Hero? or, What Kind of Creative Personae do Computational Creativity Systems Exemplify?
* Colin Johnson: The Creative Computer as Romantic Hero? or, What Kind of Creative Personae do Computational Creativity Systems Exemplify?
Colin Johnson [pdf]
Whence is creativity?
* Bipin Indurkhya: Whence is creativity?
Bipin Indurkhya [pdf]
Computational and Collective Creativity: Who’s Being Creative?
* Mary Lou Maher: Computational and Collective Creativity: Who’s Being Creative?
Mary Lou Maher [pdf]
Computers can’t jump? A quantitative approach for studying creative leaps
* Lior Noy, Yuval Hart, Natalie Andrew, Omer Ramote, Avi Mayo and Uri Alon: Computers can’t jump? A quantitative approach for studying creative leaps.
Lior Noy, Yuval Hart, Natalie Andrew, Omer Ramote, Avi Mayo and Uri Alon [pdf]
On the Notion of Framing in Computational Creativity
* John Charnley, Alison Pease, and Simon Colton: On the Notion of Framing in Computational Creativity.
John Charnley, Alison Pease, and Simon Colton [pdf]
Small-Scale Creative Systems
* Nick Montfort and Natalia Fedorova: Small-Scale Creative Systems.
Nick Montfort and Natalia Fedorova [pdf]
19:00 Social Event
Beer tasting at a very popular city-centre microbrew pub called the Porterhouse. Beer samples and finger food will be served starting at 7 PM.
'''Session 5 Generative Systems Chair: Graeme Ritchie'''
Thursday May 31
9:00-11:00 Session 5 Generative Systems (RP)
Chair: Graeme Ritchie
* Kristine Monteith, Tony Martinez and Dan Ventura: Automatic Generation of Melodic Accompaniments for Lyrics.
Automatic Generation of Melodic Accompaniments for Lyrics
* Simon Colton, Jacob Goodwin and Tony Veale: Full-FACE Poetry Generation.
Kristine Monteith, Tony Martinez and Dan Ventura [pdf]
Full-FACE Poetry Generation
* Rafael Pérez y Pérez, Nora Morales and Luis Rodríguez: Illustrating a Computer Generated Narrative.
Simon Colton, Jacob Goodwin and Tony Veale [pdf]
Illustrating a Computer Generated Narrative
* Amy K. Hoover, Paul A. Szerlip, Marie E. Norton, Trevor A. Brindle, Zachary Merritt and Kenneth O. Stanley: Generating a Complete Multipart Musical Composition from a Single Monophonic. Melody with Functional Scaffolding
Rafael Pérez y Pérez, Nora Morales and Luis Rodríguez [pdf]
Generating a Complete Multipart Musical Composition from a Single Monophonic Melody with Functional Scaffolding
'''Session 6 Evaluation I Chair: Alison Pease'''
Amy K. Hoover, Paul A. Szerlip, Marie E. Norton, Trevor A. Brindle, Zachary Merritt and Kenneth O. Stanley [pdf]
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Session 6 Evaluation I (RP)
Chair: Alison Pease
* Richard Morris, Scott Burton, Paul Bodily and Dan Ventura: Soup Over Bean of Pure Joy: Culinary Ruminations of an Artificial Chef.
Soup Over Bean of Pure Joy: Culinary Ruminations of an Artificial Chef
* Adam Burnett, Evon Khor, Philippe Pasquier and Arne Eigenfeldt: Validation of Harmonic Progression Generator Using Classical Music.
Richard Morris, Scott Burton, Paul Bodily and Dan Ventura [pdf]
Validation of Harmonic Progression Generator Using Classical Music
* Try Agustini and Ruli Manurung: Automatic evaluation of punning riddle template extraction.
Adam Burnett, Evon Khor, Philippe Pasquier and Arne Eigenfeldt [pdf]
Automatic evaluation of punning riddle template extraction
'''Session 7 Evaluation II Chair: Rafael Pérez y Pérez'''
Try Agustini and Ruli Manurung [pdf]
13:00-14:00 Lunch (provided)
14:00-14:45 Session 7 Evaluation II (PP)
Chair: Rafael Pérez y Pérez
* Arne Eigenfeldt, Philippe Pasquier and Adam Burnett: Evaluating Musical Metacreation.
Evaluating Musical Metacreation
* Adam Linson, Chris Dobbyn and Robin Laney: Critical issues in evaluating freely improvising interactive music systems.
Arne Eigenfeldt, Philippe Pasquier and Adam Burnett [pdf]
Critical issues in evaluating freely improvising interactive music systems
* Jichen Zhu: Towards a New Evaluation Approach in Computational Narrative Systems.
Adam Linson, Chris Dobbyn and Robin Laney [pdf]
Towards a New Evaluation Approach in Computational Narrative Systems
'''Session 8 Computers Being Creative Chair: Kyle Jennings'''
Jichen Zhu [pdf]
14:45-15:45 Coffee Break + Interactive Demonstrations
15:45-17:00 Session 8 Computers Being Creative (PP)
Chair: Kyle Jennings
* Robert Keller, August Toman-Yih, Alexandra Schofield and Zack Merritt: A Creative Improvisational Companion Based on Idiomatic Harmonic Bricks.
A Creative Improvisational Companion Based on Idiomatic Harmonic Bricks
* Robert Smith, Aaron Dennis and Dan Ventura: Automatic Composition from Non-musical Inspiration Sources.
Robert Keller, August Toman-Yih, Alexandra Schofield and Zack Merritt [pdf]
Automatic Composition from Non-musical Inspiration Sources
* Stefan Rank, Steve Hoffmann, Hans-Georg Struck, Ulrike Spierling and Paolo Petta: Creativity in Configuring Affective Agents for Interactive Storytelling.
Robert Smith, Aaron Dennis and Dan Ventura [pdf]
Creativity in Configuring Affective Agents for Interactive Storytelling
* Shinji Ogawa, Bipin Indurkhya and Aleksander Byrski: A Meme-Based Architecture for Modeling Creativity.
Stefan Rank, Steve Hoffmann, Hans-Georg Struck, Ulrike Spierling and Paolo Petta [pdf]
A Meme-Based Architecture for Modeling Creativity
* Lorenzo Gatti, Marco Guerini, Charles Callaway, Oliviero Stock and Carlo Strapparava: Creatively Subverting Messages in Posters.
Shinji Ogawa, Bipin Indurkhya and Aleksander Byrski [pdf]
Creatively Subverting Messages in Posters
'''Session 9 Cognition and Computation Chair: Tony Veale'''
Lorenzo Gatti, Marco Guerini, Charles Callaway, Oliviero Stock and Carlo Strapparava [pdf]
19:30 Conference Dinner
The conference dinner will be at 7:30 PM at Oliver St. John Gogarty’s, in Temple Bar. Gogarty’s is also a venue for traditional Irish music performance, which will enjoy after the dinner.
* Geraint Wiggins: Crossing the Threshold Paradox: Creative Cognition in the Global Workspace.  
Friday June 1
9:00-11:00 Session 9 Cognition and Computation (RP)
Chair: Tony Veale
* Ricardo Sosa and [[John Gero]]: Brainstorming in Solitude and Teams: The Role of Group Influence.
Crossing the Threshold Paradox: Creative Cognition in the Global Workspace
* Kazjon Grace, [[John Gero]] and [[Rob Saunders]]: Representational affordances and creativity in association-based systems.
Geraint Wiggins [pdf]
Brainstorming in Solitude and Teams: The Role of Group Influence
* Liane Gabora and Steve Dipaola: How Did Humans Become So Creative? A Computational Approach.
Ricardo Sosa and John Gero [pdf]
'''Session 10 Creativity and Language Chair: Geraint A. Wiggins'''
Representational affordances and creativity in association-based systems
* Jukka M. Toivanen, Hannu Toivonen, Alessandro Valitutti and Oskar Gross: Corpus-Based Generation of Content and Form in Poetry.
Kazjon Grace, John Gero and Rob Saunders [pdf]
How Did Humans Become So Creative? A Computational Approach
* Anna Jordanous and Bill Keller: Weaving creativity into the Semantic Web: a language-processing approach.
Liane Gabora and Steve Dipaola [pdf]
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:00 Session 10 Creativity and Language (PP)
Chair: Geraint A. Wiggins
'''Interactive Demonstrations'''
Corpus-Based Generation of Content and Form in Poetry
* Arne Eigenfeldt: Coming Together: Composition by Negotiation by Autonomous Multi-Agents.  
Jukka M. Toivanen, Hannu Toivonen, Alessandro Valitutti and Oskar Gross [pdf]
Weaving creativity into the Semantic Web: a language-processing approach
* Robert Keller: Continuous Improvisation and Trading with Impro-Visor.
Anna Jordanous and Bill Keller [pdf]
12:00-13:00 Discussion
Moderator: Mary Lou Maher
* D. Fox Harrell, Chong-U Lim, Sonny Sidhu, Jia Zhang, Ayse Gursoy and Christine Yu: Exploring Everyday Creative Responses to Social Discrimination with the Mimesis System.
13:00 Steering Committee Meeting
Interactive Demonstrations
Coming Together: Composition by Negotiation by Autonomous Multi-Agents
* James McDermott: Functional representations for music.
Arne Eigenfeldt [pdf]
Continuous Improvisation and Trading with Impro-Visor
* Paul A. Szerlip, Amy K. Hoover and Kenneth O. Stanley: MaestroGenesis: Computer-Assisted Musical Accompaniment Generation.
Robert Keller [pdf]
Exploring Everyday Creative Responses to Social Discrimination with the Mimesis System
* Matjaz Jursic, Bojan Cestnik, Tanja Urbancic and Nada Lavrac: CrossBee: Cross-Context Bisociation Explorer.
D. Fox Harrell, Chong-U Lim, Sonny Sidhu, Jia Zhang, Ayse Gursoy and Christine Yu [pdf]
Functional representations for music
* Kyle Jennings: Computer Software for Measuring Creative Search.  
James Mcdermott [pdf]
MaestroGenesis: Computer-Assisted Musical Accompaniment Generation
Paul A. Szerlip, Amy K. Hoover and Kenneth O. Stanley [pdf]
CrossBee: Cross-Context Bisociation Explorer
Matjaz Jursic, Bojan Cestnik, Tanja Urbancic and Nada Lavrac [pdf]
Computer Software for Measuring Creative Search
Kyle Jennings [pdf]
ANGELINA – Coevolution in Automated Game Design
Michael Cook and Simon Colton [pdf]
SynAPP – An online web application for exploring creativity
Gael Abadin, Bipin Indurkhya and Juan C. Burguillo-Rial [pdf]
Co-creating game content using an adaptive model of user taste
Antonios Liapis, Georgios N. Yannakakis and Julian Togelius [pdf]
* Michael Cook and Simon Colton: ANGELINA – Coevolution in Automated Game Design.
* Gael Abadin, Bipin Indurkhya and Juan C. Burguillo-Rial: SynAPP – An online web application for exploring creativity.
* Antonios Liapis, Georgios N. Yannakakis and Julian Togelius: Co-creating game content using an adaptive model of user taste.

Version vom 26. Januar 2015, 18:11 Uhr




Extended Abstract



Table of contents

Keynote Speaker

  • Steven M. Smith: Mechanisms of Creative Cognition: Theory and Research.

Session 1 Conceptual Blending Chair: Simon Colton

  • Tony Veale: From Conceptual “Mash-ups” to “Bad-ass” Blends: A Robust Computational Model of Conceptual Blending.
  • Boyang Li, Alexander Zook, Nicholas Davis and Mark Riedl: Goal-Driven Conceptual Blending: A Computational Approach for Creativity.

Session 2 Analogy Chair: Pablo Gervás

Diarmuid O’Donoghue and Mark T. Keane: A Creative Analogy Machine: Results and Challenges.

  • Atilim Gunes Baydin, Ramon Lopez De Mantaras and Santiago Ontanon: Automated Generation of Cross-Domain Analogies via Evolutionary Computation.
  • Matjaz Jursic, Bojan Cestnik, Tanja Urbancic and Nada Lavrac: Cross-domain literature mining: Finding bridging concepts with CrossBee.

Session 3 Search Chair: Nick Montfort

  • Graeme Ritchie: A closer look at creativity as search.
  • v: Creative Search Trajectories and their Implications.

'Session 4 Reflections Chair: Dan Ventura

  • Colin Johnson: The Creative Computer as Romantic Hero? or, What Kind of Creative Personae do Computational Creativity Systems Exemplify?
  • Bipin Indurkhya: Whence is creativity?
  • Mary Lou Maher: Computational and Collective Creativity: Who’s Being Creative?
  • Lior Noy, Yuval Hart, Natalie Andrew, Omer Ramote, Avi Mayo and Uri Alon: Computers can’t jump? A quantitative approach for studying creative leaps.
  • John Charnley, Alison Pease, and Simon Colton: On the Notion of Framing in Computational Creativity.
  • Nick Montfort and Natalia Fedorova: Small-Scale Creative Systems.

Session 5 Generative Systems Chair: Graeme Ritchie

  • Kristine Monteith, Tony Martinez and Dan Ventura: Automatic Generation of Melodic Accompaniments for Lyrics.
  • Simon Colton, Jacob Goodwin and Tony Veale: Full-FACE Poetry Generation.
  • Rafael Pérez y Pérez, Nora Morales and Luis Rodríguez: Illustrating a Computer Generated Narrative.
  • Amy K. Hoover, Paul A. Szerlip, Marie E. Norton, Trevor A. Brindle, Zachary Merritt and Kenneth O. Stanley: Generating a Complete Multipart Musical Composition from a Single Monophonic. Melody with Functional Scaffolding

Session 6 Evaluation I Chair: Alison Pease

  • Richard Morris, Scott Burton, Paul Bodily and Dan Ventura: Soup Over Bean of Pure Joy: Culinary Ruminations of an Artificial Chef.
  • Adam Burnett, Evon Khor, Philippe Pasquier and Arne Eigenfeldt: Validation of Harmonic Progression Generator Using Classical Music.
  • Try Agustini and Ruli Manurung: Automatic evaluation of punning riddle template extraction.

Session 7 Evaluation II Chair: Rafael Pérez y Pérez

  • Arne Eigenfeldt, Philippe Pasquier and Adam Burnett: Evaluating Musical Metacreation.
  • Adam Linson, Chris Dobbyn and Robin Laney: Critical issues in evaluating freely improvising interactive music systems.
  • Jichen Zhu: Towards a New Evaluation Approach in Computational Narrative Systems.

Session 8 Computers Being Creative Chair: Kyle Jennings

  • Robert Keller, August Toman-Yih, Alexandra Schofield and Zack Merritt: A Creative Improvisational Companion Based on Idiomatic Harmonic Bricks.
  • Robert Smith, Aaron Dennis and Dan Ventura: Automatic Composition from Non-musical Inspiration Sources.
  • Stefan Rank, Steve Hoffmann, Hans-Georg Struck, Ulrike Spierling and Paolo Petta: Creativity in Configuring Affective Agents for Interactive Storytelling.
  • Shinji Ogawa, Bipin Indurkhya and Aleksander Byrski: A Meme-Based Architecture for Modeling Creativity.
  • Lorenzo Gatti, Marco Guerini, Charles Callaway, Oliviero Stock and Carlo Strapparava: Creatively Subverting Messages in Posters.

Session 9 Cognition and Computation Chair: Tony Veale

  • Geraint Wiggins: Crossing the Threshold Paradox: Creative Cognition in the Global Workspace.
  • Ricardo Sosa and John Gero: Brainstorming in Solitude and Teams: The Role of Group Influence.
  • Kazjon Grace, John Gero and Rob Saunders: Representational affordances and creativity in association-based systems.
  • Liane Gabora and Steve Dipaola: How Did Humans Become So Creative? A Computational Approach.

Session 10 Creativity and Language Chair: Geraint A. Wiggins

  • Jukka M. Toivanen, Hannu Toivonen, Alessandro Valitutti and Oskar Gross: Corpus-Based Generation of Content and Form in Poetry.
  • Anna Jordanous and Bill Keller: Weaving creativity into the Semantic Web: a language-processing approach.

Interactive Demonstrations

  • Arne Eigenfeldt: Coming Together: Composition by Negotiation by Autonomous Multi-Agents.
  • Robert Keller: Continuous Improvisation and Trading with Impro-Visor.
  • D. Fox Harrell, Chong-U Lim, Sonny Sidhu, Jia Zhang, Ayse Gursoy and Christine Yu: Exploring Everyday Creative Responses to Social Discrimination with the Mimesis System.
  • James McDermott: Functional representations for music.
  • Paul A. Szerlip, Amy K. Hoover and Kenneth O. Stanley: MaestroGenesis: Computer-Assisted Musical Accompaniment Generation.
  • Matjaz Jursic, Bojan Cestnik, Tanja Urbancic and Nada Lavrac: CrossBee: Cross-Context Bisociation Explorer.
  • Kyle Jennings: Computer Software for Measuring Creative Search.
  • Michael Cook and Simon Colton: ANGELINA – Coevolution in Automated Game Design.
  • Gael Abadin, Bipin Indurkhya and Juan C. Burguillo-Rial: SynAPP – An online web application for exploring creativity.
  • Antonios Liapis, Georgios N. Yannakakis and Julian Togelius: Co-creating game content using an adaptive model of user taste.


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