Evolved Ricochet Compositions: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Version vom 13. Oktober 2014, 21:49 Uhr


Greenfield, Gary: Evolved Ricochet Compositions. In: EvoMUSART 2009, S. 518-527.




We consider evolutionary art based on the ricochet art-making technique. With this technique, a sequence of line segments defined by particles moving within the interior of a polygon is developed into a geometric composition by virtue of the fact that reflection (the ricochet) is used to ensure that whenever a particle meets an existing line segment it does not cross it. There is also a rule for filling some of the interior polygons that are formed by particle trajectories based on line color attributes. We establish a genetic infrastructure for this technique and then consider objective measures based on ratio statistics for aesthetically evaluating the results. For the special case of four particles in motion within a square we also examine fitness landscape questions.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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