Automatic invention of fitness functions with application to scene generation

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Colton, Simon: Automatic invention of fitness functions with application to scene generation. In: EvoMUSART 2008, S. 381-391.



We investigate the automatic construction of visual scenes via a hybrid evolutionary/hill-climbing approach using a correlation-based fitness function. This forms part of The Painting Fool system, an automated artist which is able to render the scenes using simulated art materials. We further describe a novel method for inventing fitness functions using the HR descriptive machine learning system, and we combine this with The Painting Fool to generate and artistically render novel scenes. We demonstrate the potential of this approach with applications to cityscape and flower arrangement scene generation.

Extended Abstract


booktitle={Applications of Evolutionary Computing},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor={Giacobini, Mario and Brabazon, Anthony and Cagnoni, Stefano and Di Caro, GianniA. and Drechsler, Rolf and Ekárt, Anikó and Esparcia-Alcázar, AnnaIsabel and Farooq, Muddassar and Fink,  Andreas and McCormack, Jon and O’Neill, Michael and Romero, Juan and Rothlauf, Franz and Squillero, Giovanni and Uyar, A.Şima and Yang, Shengxiang},
title={Automatic Invention of Fitness Functions with Application to Scene Generation},
url={ },
publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
author={Colton, Simon},

Used References

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Sorge, V., Meier, A., McCasland, R., Colton, S.: Automatic construction and verification of isotopy invariants. In: Journal of Automated Reasoning (2007) (forthcoming)


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