Generative Art 2006
Celestino Soddu (ed.): Generative Art 2006 GA2006, IX generative Art Conference 13-15 December 2006.
Extended Abstract
Table of contents
Celestino Soddu: Generative Designer. A swimmer in a natural see frame.
Alasdair Turner: An ecomorphic theatre as a case study for embodied design.
Mordechai Omer and Avi Rosen: The Ultimate Cathedral.
Bogdan Soban: Generating Images Using Solar System Kinematics Parameters.
C.P. Mottram: Evolving Street Plans from Shops and Shoppers.
Daniel Bisig, Tatsuo Unemi: MediaFlies. A Video and Audio Remixing Multi Agent System.
Ethem. Gurer, Gulen Cagdas: Nature Inspired Approach: An Emergent Form Generation Method.
Iro Laskari: Producing cinematographic narration by making use of Artificial Life techniques.
Jarod Kelly, Panos Papalambros, Gregory Wakefield: The Development of a Tool for the Preference Assessment of the Visual Aesthetics of an Object Using Interactive Genetic Algorithms.
Jean-Baptiste Dumont: Mimesis.
Jochen Hoog: Playing Architecture with Architecture_Engine_1.0.
Kevin McGuire: ArpEgg: a Rewriting Grammar for Complex Arpeggios.
Margaret C. Perivoliotis, Barbara Toumazatou: Images for Performances.
Marie-Pascale Corcuff: Deepland, a Travel through many Dimensions.
Ilze Meldere, Aleksandra Slahova, Maris Cacka, Ilze Volonte: Exhibition as a form for demonstrating achievements.
Mark Rudolph: The use of Interactive Domain Specific Languages for Generative Rule-based systems.
Matthew Lewis: Procedural Shading for Architecture: Adoption, Fabrication, and Implications.
E. L. Finucane, C. Derix, P. S. Coates: Evolving urban structures using Computer Optimisation Techniques.
Paul A. Oehlers, Chris Mich: MSC: a generative art system integrating music and video through magic squares at compositional models.
Philip Van Loocke: Symbolic organic design.
Renato Saleri Lunazzi: Urban and architectural 3D fast processing.
Silvia Lenyra Meirelles Campos Titotto, Ruy Marcelo de Oliveira Pauletti: The use of structural analysis programs for the determination of the geometrical configurations of an artwork.
Siriwat Sanserm: Key elements of the contemporary art museum in Thailand.
T. Unemi, D. Bisig: Flocking Messengers.
K.Tshushima, M.Ueno, K.Tanida: The Authoring System for 3DCG with help of 3D turtle Metaphor.
Asli Serbest, Mona Mahall: Generation of a Theory of Generative Design With the Help of Game Theory.
Daniela Sirbu: Anticipation in Creativity: A Generative Approach
Jon Bird, Mark d’Inverno, Jane Prophet: Net Work: Lessons from collaboratively designing an interactive artwork.
Jon Bird: Evolving Fractal Drawings.
Martha E. LaGess, Michael McNamara: Cybernetic Urbanism in Future London.
Enrica Colabella: Alive imaginary structures.
Kun Zhang, Songlin Zhang: Art Transformation and Representation of Game Go.
Skaidrite Erliha: The Image of Music: Its Expression in Art.
Hengfeng Zuo, Mark Jones, Qiu Song, Liu Xin: Aesthetic Perception in Design.
Adolfo Benito Narváez Tijerina: Urban Evolution Analysis Method Using Self Organizing Dynamic Model.
Posters, Installations, Performances
André Rangel Macedo: Graffonic.
Anna M. Chupa, Michael A. Chupa: Altared Spaces: New Orleans Revisited.
Jana Linke: Medienhopper 3.268.800.
Margaret C. Perivoliotis, Barbara Toumazatou: Textile Art for Performances with Encaustic Applications.
Carolina Briones, Ava Fatah gen. Schieck, Chiron Mottram: A Socializing Interactive Installation in the Urban Space.
Raewyn Turner: LUCKY.
R. Coen Cagli: MacchinaPerTracciare – Interactive Installation.
Mauro Francaviglia, Marcella Giulia Lorenzi, Michael Petry: Robotic superstrings: making a unique generative artwork from the superstring installations DVDs.
Silvia Lenyra Meirelles Campos Titotto, Clice de Toledo Sanjar Mazzilli, Felipe Estrella Barros: Virtual net in a real environment.
E. Solari: Art of the generative tree.
Sonja Hindkjaer: ‘Whisper of a Poet’.
Geska Helena Andersson, Robert Brecevic, Marcella Giulia Lorenzi, Rit Mishra: The MirrorBox installation
Alan Dunning, Paul Woodrow: Invisible World - a performance installation The Einstein’s Brain Project
Brigid Burke: Illuminated Breath.
Ge-Suk Yeo: Ilgob sorigori - a cycle of seven sound poems.
Davy Gregoire: BIPMAT or an alive sound scape.
scenocosme : Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxt : Aléas : original virtual music software/instrument for SpherAleas : interactive / sound / image installation and Ephemeral firmament : Performance / concert scenocosme : Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxt France,htp
Gordon Monro: Evochord.
Antony Viscardi: Artist's Statement.
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