Evolution of Supershapes for the Generation of Three-Dimensional Designs

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Richard J. Preen and Larry Bull: Evolution of Supershapes for the Generation of Three-Dimensional Designs. 2012.



This paper explores the evolution of three-dimensional ob- jects with a simple generative encoding, known as the Superformula. Evolving three-dimensional objects has long been of interest in a wide ar- ray of disciplines, from engineering (e.g., robotics) to biology (e.g., study- ing morphological evolution). While many representations have been pre- sented, ranging from direct encodings to complex graphs and grammars, the vast majority have possessed complex underlying encodings, which were necessary to produce varied morphologies. Here we explore the target-based evolution of Superformula, which is simply encoded as a vector of reals and show that is possible to generate very closely match- ing designs of a number of complex three-dimensional objects.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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