Generative Representations for Evolutionary Design Automation

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Hornby, G.S.: Generative Representations for Evolutionary Design Automation. PhD thesis, Boston, MA (2003).



In this thesis the class of generative representations is de�ned and it is shown that this class of representations improves the scalability of evolutionary design systems by automat- ically learning inductive bias of the design problem thereby capturing design dependencies and better enabling search of large design spaces. First, properties of representations are identi�ed as: combination, control-�ow, and abstraction. Using these properties, representa- tions are classi�ed as non-generative, or generative. Whereas non-generative representations use elements of encoded artifacts at most once in translation from encoding to actual ar- tifact, generative representations have the ability to reuse parts of the data structure for encoding artifacts through control-�ow (using iteration) and/or abstraction (using labeled procedures). Unlike non-generative representations, which do not scale with design com- plexity because they cannot capture design dependencies in their structure, it is argued that evolution with generative representations can better scale with design complexity because of their ability to hierarchically create assemblies of modules for reuse, thereby enabling better search of large design spaces. Second, GENRE, an evolutionary design system us- ing a generative representation, is described. Using this system, a non-generative and a generative representation are compared on four classes of designs: three-dimensional static structures constructed from voxels; neural networks; actuated robots controlled by oscilla- tor networks; and neural network controlled robots. Results from evolving designs in these substrates show that the evolutionary design system is capable of �nding solutions of higher �tness with the generative representation than with the non-generative representation. This improved performance is shown to be a result of the generative representation's ability to ixcapture intrinsic properties of the search space and its ability to reuse parts of the encod- ing in constructing designs. By capturing design dependencies in its structure, variation operators are more likely to be successful with a generative representation than with a non- generative representation. Second, reuse of data elements in encoded designs improves the ability of an evolutionary algorithm to search large design spaces.

Extended Abstract


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