A Painterly Rendering Based on Stroke Profile and Database
Sanghyun Seo, Jinwan Park, Kyunghyun Yoon: A Painterly Rendering Based on Stroke Profile and Database. In: Oliver Deussen, Peter Hall (Eds.): Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics, 2009. 9-160
We present a method for producing painting-like images composed of predefined brush strokes. Our proposed method is based on image retrieval method and uses a stroke database. The stroke database consists of transformed copies of the several brush stroke profiles which are obtained from an actual brush stroke. An input image can be reordered in a painterly manner by combination of brush strokes retrieved from the database. Our method is able to produce a painting with diverse media by changing the type of database, such as oil and pastel. In this process, we present a search algorithm to select an appropriate brush stroke from database and an assessment algorithm to judge whether to draw the retrieved brush stroke on the canvas or not. We also introduce a efficient brush stroke model and way of achieving the appearance of thick paint without physical simulation.
Extended Abstract
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