Stipple Placement using Distance in a Weighted Graph

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David Mould: Stipple Placement using Distance in a Weighted Graph. In: Douglas W. Cunningham, Gary W. Meyer, László Neumann, Alan Dunning, Raquel Paricio (Eds.):Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics, 2007. 45-52



We present a stipple placement method which provides extra emphasis to image features, especially edges. Our algorithm transforms an image into a regular graph, with edge weights given by the local gradient magnitude of the input image. Then, a variant of Disjkstra's algorithm is used to place stipples: new stipples are placed along the frontier, which tends to be aligned with image edges. The resulting stipple distribution approximates a blue noise distribution, but emphasizes edges from the input image. We also show how irregular mosaics can be organized and the mosaic tiles shaped using the same underlying mechanism.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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