Stylized Reality

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Version vom 4. Dezember 2014, 17:32 Uhr von Gbachelier (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „== Reference == Bartz, Dirk; Fischer, Jan; Salah, Zein; Cunningham, Douglas; Wallraven, Christian: Stylized Reality. In: Computational Aesthetics 2006. == DO…“)

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Bartz, Dirk; Fischer, Jan; Salah, Zein; Cunningham, Douglas; Wallraven, Christian: Stylized Reality. In: Computational Aesthetics 2006.



When combining Reality and Virtuality into an Augmented or Mixed Reality System, the rendering of the embedded virtual objects clearly exposes them as virtual. This is due much coarser material properties and due to the inconsistent lighting, when com- pared with the Reality.

We defined a novel approach that aims at diminishing these differences, Stylized Reality. Here, we apply a series of image and object space filters to provide a stylization (non-photorealistic rendering) of the representation. Due to this stylization, it is much harder to differentiate between virtual and real objects in the combined display. In my talk, I will demonstrate different approaches for this stylization and I will present results from psychophysical experiments that show its effectiveness.

Keywords: Virtual Reality, Augmented/Mixed Reality, illustrative rendering, stylized rendering, NPR

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