Evolutionary Computation and Image Re-Coloring

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Gary R. Greenfield: Evolutionary Computation and Image Re-Coloring.



Motivation: Is there a role for evolutionary computation (EC) in computational aesthetics? Example: Image Re-coloring.

Extended Abstract


Used References

E. Reinhard, M. Ashikhmin, B. Gooch, P. Shirley, Color transfer between images, IEEE CG&A, 2001, 34-41.

B. Meier, A. Spalter, D. Karelitz, Interactive color palette tools, IEEE CG&A, 2004, 64-72.

G. Greenfield, D. House, Palette-driven color transfer, Computational Aesthetics 2005, 91-99.

M. Grundland, N. Dodgson, Color search and replace, Computational Aesthetics 2005, 100-109.

L. Neumann, A. Neumann, Color style transfer techniques using hue, lightness and saturation histogram matching, Computational Aesthetics 2005, 111-122.

A. Hertzmann, C. Jacobs, N. Oliver, B. Curless, D. Salesin, Image Analogies, Proc. SIGGRAPH ’01, 2001, 327-340.

T. Welsh, M. Ashikhmin, K. Mueller, Transferring color to grayscale images, Proc. SIGGRAPH ’02, 2002, 277-280.

Y. Chang, S. Saito, M. Nakajima, A framework for transfer colors based on the basic color categories, Proc. Computer Graphics International, 2003, 176-181.

L. Neumann, A. Nemcsics, A. Neumann, Computational color harmony based on Coloroid system, Computational Aesthetics 2005, 231-240.

A. Levin, D. Lischinski, Y. Weiss, Colorization using optimization, Proc. SIGGRAPH ’04, 2004, 689-694.

R. Irony, D. Cohen-Or, D. Lischinski, Colorization by example, Rendering Techniques, 2005, 201-210.

A. Gooch, S. Olsen, J. Tumblin, B. Gooch, Color2Gray: salience preserving color removal, Proc. SIGGRAPH ’05, 2005, 634-639.

G. Greenfield, An algorithmic palette tool, UR Technical Report, 1994.

J. Barallo, V. de Spinadel, Colouring algorithms and fractal art, J. of Math. and Design, 2001, 27-32.

C. Farsi, C. Collins, Visual synthesis and esthetic values, Proc. Generative Arts Conference, 2004, 40-45.

G. Greenfield, Image re-coloring using multi-objective optimization, Proc. Art+Math=X Conference, 2005, 83-87.


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Presentation: http://www.dagstuhl.de/Materials/Files/06/06221/06221.GreenfieldGary.Slides.ppt