Aesthetics of Hand-Drawn and Computer-Generated Illustrations

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Isenberg, Tobias; Neumann, Petra; Carpendale, Sheelagh; Costa Sousa, Mario; Jorge, Joaquim A.: Aesthetics of Hand-Drawn and Computer-Generated Illustrations. In: Computational Aesthetics 2006.



We recently designed and conducted a study in which 24 participants compared computer- generated with hand-drawn pen-end-ink illustrations. Based on our findings, my talk will discuss two aspects: (1) the specific differences between computer-generated and hand-drawn illustrations that were brought up by the participants and (2) what did or did not appeal to the participants in either type of illustration. This talk forms an extension to my talk at NPAR that will discuss more general study setup and results.

Keywords: Non-photorealistic rendering (NPR), evaluation of NPR and traditional scientific illustration, observational study, pen-and-ink illustration.

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