Bridges 2010
George W. Hart and Reza Sarhangi: Bridges 2010, Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. 13th Annual Bridges Conference in the City of Pécs, Hungary, 2010. ISBN: 9780984604203
Extended Abstract
Table of contents
- The Editors: Front Matter
- Ernő Rubik: The System Approach and Design. Pages 1–1
- László Lovász: Visual and Logical Beauty in Mathematics. Pages 2–2
- Julian Voss-Andreae: Quantum Sculpture: Art Inspired by the Deeper Nature of Reality. Pages 3–10
- Angela Vierling-Claassen: Models of Surfaces and Abstract Art in the Early 20th Century. Pages 11–18
- Penousal Machado: Expressions, Assemblages and Grammars. Pages 19–26
- Tom Verhoeff and Koos Verhoeff: Branching Miter Joints: Principles and Artwork. Pages 27–34
- Sarah Glaz: Poetry Inspired by Mathematics. Pages 35–42
- Yang Liu and Godfried Toussaint: Types of Repetition and Multistable Perception in the Frieze Patterns on the Marble Pavement of the Cathedral of Siena. Pages 43–50
- Chiara Tuffanelli: Mirrors and Spheres: The Geometry within the “Tall Tree and the Eye”. Pages 51–58
- James Mai: Compositional Constraints of Simultaneous Color Contrast: Toward a Classification of Types. Pages 59–66
- Elaine Krajenke Ellison and John Sharp: Tiled Torus Quilt with Changing Tiles. Pages 67–74
- Rinus Roelofs: About Weaving and Helical Holes. Pages 75–84
- Carlo H. Séquin: My Search for Symmetrical Embeddings of Regular Maps. Pages 85–94
- Craig S. Kaplan: Curve Evolution Schemes for Parquet Deformations. Pages 95–102
- Robert W. Fathauer: Some Three-dimensional Self-similar Knots. Pages 103–110
- Darrah Chavey: Strip Symmetry Groups of African Sona Designs. Pages 111–118
- Christopher Carlson: Interactive Exploration of Corporate Logos: From Mercedes Benz to Sea Creatures. Pages 119–126
- Ljiljana Radovic and Slavik Jablan: Vasarely's Work—Invitation to Mathematical and Combinatorial Visual Games. Pages 127–134
- B. Lynn Bodner: Bourgoin's 14-Pointed Star Polygon Designs. Pages 135–142
- Gary R. Greenfield: On Generating Dot Paintings in the Style of Howard Arkley. Pages 143–150
- Bjarne Jespersen: Geometric Tools for the Magic Woodcarver. Pages 151–158
- Hideki Tsuiki: Imaginary Cubes—Objects with Three Square Projection Images. Pages 159–166
- Michael Hansmeyer: Design by Subdivision. Pages 167–174
- Antal Kelle: Artformer Geometry. Pages 175–182
- Stanley Spencer: Creating and Modifying Images Using Newton's Method for Solving Equations. Pages 183–190
- Michael Field: Using Mathematics in Art. Pages 191–198
- Dirk Huylebrouck: Regular Polyhedral Lattices of Genus 2: 11 Platonic Equivalents? Pages 199–206
- Devrim Işikkaya: Early Modern Art Layouts in Breuer's Design. Pages 207–214
- Jean-Marc Castéra: From the Angle of Quasicrystals. Pages 215–222
- István Lénárt: Gauss, Bolyai, Lobachevsky — in General Education? (Hyperbolic Geometry as Part of the Mathematics Curriculum). Pages 223–230
- Francesco De Comité: A General Procedure for the Construction of Mirror Anamorphoses. Pages 231–238
- István Orosz: Art with a Double Meaning. Pages 239–246
- Javier Barrallo: Expanding the Mandelbrot Set into Higher Dimensions. Pages 247–254
- Douglas McKenna: Swhirling Squares: A Simple Math Flip-Book Animation. Pages 255–262
- Douglas G. Burkholder: Brunnian Weavings. Pages 263–270
- Caspar Schwabe: Eureka and Serendipity: The Rudolf von Laban Icosahedron and Buckminster Fuller's Jitterbug. Pages 271–278
- György Darvas: Projection of Point Sets to a Lower Dimension with Applications in the Arts. Pages 279–286
- Joel C. Langer: The Vitruvian Figure of Eight. Pages 287–292
- Paul Gailiunas: A Fractal Celtic Key Pattern? Pages 293–298
- Russell Jay Hendel: Biblical Cantillations. Pages 299–304
- Tatiana Bonch-Osmolovskaya: Some Possibilities of Russian Combinatorial Literature. Pages 305–310
- János Malina: Amateur and Pioneer: Simon Stevin (ca. 1548–1620) about Music Theory. Pages 311–316
- Sándor Kabai: 30 Cubes on a Rhombic Triacontahedron. Pages 317–322
- Michael Longuet-Higgins: On Growth, Form and Yin-Yang. Pages 323–328
- Carsten Miller: Everything is Number—Mathematics Meets Arts. Pages 329–334
- B.G. Thomas: Viruses and Crystals: Science Meets Design. Pages 335–340
- Chirashree Bhattacharya and Rachel Wells Hall: Geometrical Representations of North Indian Thāts and Rāgs. Pages 341–346
- Douglas Dunham: Hyperbolic Vasarely Patterns. Pages 347–352
- László Vörös: Specialties of Models of the 6-dimensional Cube. Pages 353–358
- Tim Boykett: Aesthetic and Mathematical Research: A Comparism with two Examples. Pages 359–362
- Jesús Hernando: Alhambra's Nazari Single Tile Patterns Guided Tour. Pages 363–366
- Zsolt Lengvarszky: An Origami Puzzle of Intersecting Cubes. Pages 367–370
- Daylene Zielinski: Beautiful Homework: The Artists' Critique Group in the Mathematics Classroom. Pages 371–374
- Gail Kaplan: Parabolic Connections: Linking History, Art, Acoustics, and Mathematics. Pages 375–378
- Nahid Tootoonchi: Mathematical Interpretation of Graphic and Poster Design in Iran. Pages 379–382
- Ma. Louise Antonette N. De Las Peñas, Eden Delight B. Provido and René P. Felix: On Torsion Free Subgroups of $p32$ and Related Colored Tilings. Pages 383–386
- Jonathan McCabe: Cyclic Symmetric Multi-Scale Turing Patterns. Pages 387–390
- Bih-Yaw Jin, Chern Chuang and Chia-Chin Tsoo: Constructing Molecules with Beads: The Geometry of Topologically Nontrivial Fullerenes. Pages 391–394
- John M. Sullivan: Minimal Flowers. Pages 395–398
- Tibor Tarnai: Ivory Polyhedra Turned on a Lathe. Pages 399–402
- Charles Gunn: Ribbon Edges: a New Impulse for Geometric Sculpture. Pages 403–406
- Koert Feenstra: Moiré II. Pages 407–410
- Mehrdad Garousi and Hamid Reza Dezfoolian: Constructing Sierpinski Triangle with Rings. Pages 411–414
- Carla Farsi: Mathematical Models for Argentine Tango. Pages 415–418
- Nicholas Abruzzo: Toward a Tesseract Theater. Pages 419–422
- Andreia Hall, Rosa Amélia Martins and Carlota Simões: Exploring Symmetry in Elementary Schools. Pages 423–426
- David A. Reimann: Patterns from Archimedean Tilings Using Generalized Truchet Tiles Decorated with Simple Bézier Curves. Pages 427–430
- Eleonóra Stettner: Playing with the Möbius Band. Pages 431–434
- M. G. Marques and M. Pires: Creating Cartoon Images with Functions: A Pedagogical Project. Pages 435–438
- Ferhan Kızıltepe: Review of a Cinema Film from the Perspective of Symmetry: “The Pillow Book”. Pages 439–442
- János Erdős: Sphaerica: Interactive Spherical Geometry Software. Pages 443–446
- Jacques Beck: Multisculpture or Polymorphic Sculpture: A Different Approach to Sculpture to Challenge and Nurture Reflection: Both in the Sculptor and in the Viewer. Pages 447–450
- Louise Mabbs: Borromean Rings & Three Fold Knots. Pages 451–454
- Jan W. Marcus: Cylinder Anamorphosis of Impossible Structures. Pages 455–458
- Eliana Manuel Pinho: Ad Quadratum Ad Infinitum. Pages 459–462
- Samuel Verbiese: The K5 Graph Turned into a Golden Pyramid. Pages 463–466
- Mike Kostner, Franz Schubert and Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb: Chaos, Noise, Randomness and Coincidence as Constitutional for Generative Art. Pages 467–470
- Pedro Campos and Ana Isabel Portugal: Seeing with the Mind: from the Matrix into the Cloud. Pages 471–474
- Harlan J. Brothers: Mandel-Bach Journey: A Marriage of Musical and Visual Fractals. Pages 475–478
- David I. McCooey: Models of Locally Regular Heptagonal Dodecahedra. Pages 479–482
- Henry Segerman: The Sunflower Spiral and the Fibonacci Metric. Pages 483–486
- Zoltán Juhász: Classification and Comparison of Different Folk Music Traditions Using Self Learning Algorithms. Pages 487–490
- Toshihiro Bando, Masamichi Kobayashi, Yuri Sakurai: Matière of Painting Analyzed by Wavelet Transform. Pages 491–492
- Ion Bica: Oscillatory Solutions for Sine-Gordon Equation. Pages 493–494
- Anna Virágvölgyi: Tile Color Matching Using Simple Universal Cycles. Pages 495–496
- John A. Hiigli: Intertransformability. Pages 497–498
- Daniel Lőrincz, Brigitta Szilágyi and Ágnes Urbin: Perspective with Six Vanishing Points. Pages 499–500
- Philippe Bootz: Use of Pseudo Functions in Digital Creation. Pages 501–502
- Joel Varland: The Visualization of Flow. Pages 503–504
- Julie Rogers Varland: The Qualitative and Quantitative World of Robert Wilson's Theater. Pages 505–506
- Robert McDermott: Revisiting Mat Board Models for A Physical Proof of Five and Only Five Regular Solids or Polyhedron. Pages 507–508
- Kenneth Brecher: Anamorphic, Kaleidoscopic and Sculptural Mirror Reflections. Pages 509–510
- Lajos Szilassi: Locally and Globally Regular Toroids with Less than 16 Hexagonal Faces. Pages 511–512
- F. Farkas Tamás: Impossible Ornaments. Pages 513–514
- Vi Hart: Mathematical Balloon Twisting for Education. Pages 515–522
- Simon Morgan, Jacqueline Sack and Eva Knoll: Creative Learning with Giant Triangles. Pages 523–530
- Reza Sarhangi: A Workshop in Geometric Constructions of Mosaic Designs. Pages 531–538
- E.B. Meenan and B.G. Thomas: Escher-type Tessellations and Pull-up Polyhedra: Creative Learning for the Classroom. Pages 539–544
- János Szász Saxon: POLY-UNIVERSE—Knowledge Produce Toy Family. Pages 545–550
- Karl Schaffer and Erik Stern: Workshop on Mathematics and Dance. Pages 551–554
- Zsófia Ruttkay: Programming for Artists with Processing. Pages 555–558
- Janka Szilágyi and Jill Zarazinski: Using Roller Coasters to Bridge Mathematics, Science and the Arts. Pages 559–560
Full Text