Bridges 2004
Reza Sarhangi and Carlo Sequin: Bridges 2004, Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. 7th Annual Bridges Conference, 2004. ISBN: 0-9665201-5-7
Extended Abstract
Table of contents
- The Editors: Front Matter
- Jay Kappraff: Anatomy of a Bud. Pages 1–10
- Gary R. Greenfield: Combining Abstract Images using Texture Transfer. Pages 11–18
- Janet Parke: Fractal Art - A Comparison of Styles. Pages 19–26
- Alex Kozlowski, Dan Schwalbe, Carlo H. Séquin, John M. Sullivan and Stan Wagon: Turning a Snowball Inside Out: Mathematical Visualization at the 12-foot Scale. Pages 27–36
- Gwen Fisher and Blake Mellor: On the Topology of Celtic Knot Designs. Pages 37–44
- Paul Gailiunas: Twisted Domes. Pages 45–52
- George W. Hart: A Salamander Sculpture Barn Raising. Pages 53–60
- J. Miguel Díaz-Báñez, Giovanna Farigu, Francisco Gómez, David Rappaport and Godfried T. Toussaint: El Compás Flamenco: A Phylogenetic Analysis. Pages 61–70
- Stanley Spencer: An Introduction to the Tiling Properties of the Tangram and Their Application in Two and Three Dimensions. Pages 71–78
- Tiziana Giorgi and Robert Smits: From Hot Spots to High School Geometry and Calculus. Pages 79–86
- Bradford Hansen-Smith: Folding the Circle as Both Whole and Part. Pages 87–94
- James Mai and Daylene Zielinski: Permuting Heaven and Earth: Painted Expressions of Burnside's Theorem. Pages 95–102
- Benjamin Wells: The Triumph of One. Pages 103–108
- James Peterson and Linda Dzuris: Cognitive Models of Music and Painting. Pages 109–116
- Ergun Akleman, Paul Edmundson and Ozan Ozener: A Generalized Vertex Truncation Scheme to Construct Intriguing Polyhedral Shapes. Pages 117–124
- B. Lynn Bodner: Star Polygon Designs of La Alhambra's Wooden Ceilings. Pages 125–132
- Nico Schüler: The Influence of Incipit Length on the Results of Statistical and Information-Theoretical Melody Analysis. Pages 133–140
- Rinus Roelofs: Glide Reflection and other Combined Transformations. Pages 141–148
- Steve Whealton: The Reflected Binary Gray Code Transform. Pages 149–156
- Brent Collins: Expressive Geometries of Curvature. Pages 157–164
- Joseph D. Clinton: A Search in Progress: Polyhedra from Intersecting Cylinders. Pages 165–172
- L. Kerry Mitchell and Janet Parke: Using a Fractal Program to Model Vortical Flows. Pages 173–180
- Paul Tucker: Moorish Fretwork. Pages 181–188
- Rachel W. Hall and Paul Klingsberg: Asymmetric Rhythms, Tiling Canons, and Burnside's Lemma. Pages 189–194
- Gwen L. Fisher and Nicole Silkton: Inspired by Snowflakes: Constructing, Folding and Cutting Regular Paper Polygons to Create Art with Dihedral Symmetry. Pages 195–202
- Rabert W. Fathauer: Fractal Patterns and Pseudo-tilings Based on Spirals. Pages 203–210
- Carlo H. Séquin: Hamiltonian Cycles on Symmetrical Graphs. Pages 211–222
- Mark Nelson: Hunting Additional Pixels in Digitally Amplified Art: Looking for Clues in Music, with Inspiration from Mathematics. Pages 223–230
- Clark Kimberling: The Shape and History of The Ellipse in Washington, D.C.. Pages 231–242
- Michael Mahan: Exploring Hyperobjects: A Metaphor of Higher Dimensions. Pages 243–250
- Carol Bier and David K. Masunaga: Islamic Art at Doris Duke's Shangri La Playing with Form and Pattern. Pages 251–258
- Arthur T. Benjamin: Mathematical Magic. Pages 259–264
- Jeffrey Smith, Ergun Akleman, Richard Davison and John Keyser: MultiCam: A System for Interactive Rendering of Abstract Digital Images. Pages 265–272
- W. Douglas Maurer: The Mathematics of Jazz. Pages 273–280
- Reza Sarhangi, Slavik Jablan and Radmila Sazdanovic: Modularity in Medieval Persian Mosaics: Textual, Empirical, Analytical, and Theoretical Considerations. Pages 281–292
- Brock Wenciker and Patrick Flynn: Modular Origami in the Mathematics Classroom. Pages 293–296
- Anna Ursyn: Splinters from the Keyboard Artistic Work and the Experience of Production. Pages 297–302
- Manuel A. Báez: Experiential Morphology: The Generative Dynamics of Form and Structure, Part II. Pages 303–308
- Douglas Dunham: Tony Bomford's Hyperbolic Hooked Rugs. Pages 309–314
- Amy Gilley: Fractalled: The Interstitial Spaces And Frank Gehry. Pages 315–320
- Stephen Luecking: Pulling Ropes and Plumbing Lines: Geometry for the Neolithic Engineer. Pages 321–328
- Mary Candace Williams: Symmetry to Assembly. Pages 329–332
- Robert J. Krawczyk: The Ghostly Imagery of Strange Attractors. Pages 333–334
- L. Kerry Mitchell: Fractal Tessellations from Proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem. Pages 335–336
- Chris K. Palmer, Slavik Jablan and Reza Sarhangi: Applications for the Study of Tilings (Tile Composer - FonTiler - GridTiler) Using Combinatorics to Build Tiles Sets. Pages 337–338
- Barbra Gregory: Measuring the Musical Vocabulary of the Traditional Nzakara Harpists. Pages 339–340
- Chris Fearnley and Jeannie Moberly: Supercircles: Expanding Buckminster Fuller's Foldable Circle Models. Pages 341–342
- Benjamin Wells: The Place of Pilgrimage. Pages 343–344
- Joseph D. Clinton: Intersecting Cylinders and the Jitterbug. Pages 345–346
- Richard Fischbeck and Oscar Tuazon: An Introduction to The Randome. Pages 347–348
- Mary Candace Williams: Stephen Eberhart Memorial Quilt - A Proposal. Pages 349–350
Full Text