Strategies for Direct Volume Rendering of Diffusion Tensor Fields

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Gordon Kindlmann, David Weinstein, David Augustus Hart: Strategies for Direct Volume Rendering of Diffusion Tensor Fields. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Volume 6 Issue 2, April 2000 Page 124-138



Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging is a relatively new modality capable of elucidating the fibrous structure of certain types of tissue, such as the white matter within the brain. One tool for interpreting this data is volume rendering because it permits the visualization of three dimensional structure without a prior segmentation process. In order to use volume rendering, however, we must develop methods for assigning opacity and color to the data, and create a method to shade the data to improve the legibility of the rendering. Previous work introduced three such methods: barycentric opacity maps, hue-balls (for color), and lit-tensors (for shading). The current paper expands on and generalizes these methods, describing and demonstrating further means of generating opacity, color, and shading from the tensor information. We also propose anisotropic reaction-diffusion volume textures as an additional tool for visualizing the structure of diffusion data. The patterns generated by this process can be visualized on their own or they can be used to supplement the volume rendering strategies described in the rest of the paper. Finally, because interpolation between data points is a fundamental issue in volume rendering, we conclude with a discussion and evaluation of three distinct interpolation methods suitable for diffusion tensor MRI data.

Extended Abstract


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