Swarmic Sketches and Attention Mechanism

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Mohammad Majid al-Rifaie, John Mark Bishop: Swarmic Sketches and Attention Mechanism. In: EvoMUSART 2013, S. 85-96.




This paper introduces a novel approach deploying the mechanism of ‘attention’ by adapting a swarm intelligence algorithm – Stochastic Diffusion Search – to selectively attend to detailed areas of a digital canvas. Once the attention of the swarm is drawn to a certain line within the canvas, the capability of another swarm intelligence algorithm – Particle Swarm Intelligence – is used to produce a ‘swarmic sketch’ of the attended line. The swarms move throughout the digital canvas in an attempt to satisfy their dynamic roles – attention to areas with more details – associated to them via their fitness function. Having associated the rendering process with the concepts of attention, the performance of the participating swarms creates a unique, non-identical sketch each time the ‘artist’ swarms embark on interpreting the input line drawings. The detailed investigation of the ‘creativity’ of such systems have been explored in our previous work; nonetheless, this papers provides a brief account of the ‘computational creativity’ of the work through two prerequisites of creativity within the swarm intelligence’s two infamous phases of exploration and exploitation; these phases are described herein through the attention and tracing mechanisms respectively.

Extended Abstract


booktitle={Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor={Machado, Penousal and McDermott, James and Carballal, Adrian},
title={Swarmic Sketches and Attention Mechanism},
url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36955-1_8 http://de.evo-art.org/index.php?title=Swarmic_Sketches_and_Attention_Mechanism },
publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
keywords={Stochastic Diffusion Search; Particle swarm optimisation; sketching; drawing; attention},
author={al-Rifaie, MohammadMajid and Bishop, JohnMark},

Used References

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