Content based image retrieval with fuzzy geometrical features
Banerjee, M. and Kundu, M.K. (2003): Content based image retrieval with fuzzy geometrical features. Paper presented at the 12th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Kolkata, India.
This paper presents a robust technique for Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) using fuzzy edge map of an image. Fuzzy compactness vector is computed from fuzzy edge map thresholded at different levels of the unsegmented image, which also incorporates gray level contrast information embedded in the edges. The resemblance of two images is defined as the similarity between the computed feature vectors.
Extended Abstract
@INPROCEEDINGS{1206556, author={M. Banerjee and M. K. Kundu}, booktitle={Fuzzy Systems, 2003. FUZZ '03. The 12th IEEE International Conference on}, title={Content based image retrieval with fuzzy geometrical features}, year={2003}, volume={2}, pages={932-937 vol.2}, keywords={content-based retrieval;edge detection;feature extraction;fuzzy set theory;image retrieval;image segmentation;vectors;CBIR;computed feature vectors;content based image retrieval;fuzzy compactness vector;fuzzy edge map;fuzzy geometrical features;gray level contrast;robust technique;unsegmented image;Content based retrieval;Costs;Fuzzy sets;Histograms;Image edge detection;Image retrieval;Image segmentation;Machine intelligence;Robustness;Shape}, doi={10.1109/FUZZ.2003.1206556}, url={ }, month={May}, }
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