Automatic Evolution of Conceptual Building Architectures

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C. Coia and Brian J. Ross: Automatic Evolution of Conceptual Building Architectures. CEC 2011, New Orleans, June 2011.



An evolutionary approach to the automatic generation of 3D building topologies is presented. Genetic programming is used to evolve shape grammars. When interpreted, the shape grammars generate 3D models of buildings. Fitness evaluation considers user-specified criteria that evaluate different aspects of the model geometry. Such criteria might include maximizing the number of unique normals, satisfying target height requirements, and conforming to supplied shape contours. Multi-objective evaluation is used to analyze and rank model fitness, based on the varied user-supplied criteria. A number of interesting models complying to given geometric specifications have been successfully evolved with the approach. A motivation for this research application is that it can be used as a generator of conceptual designs, to be used as inspirations for refinement or further exploration.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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