Interactive Exploration of a Discrete Combinatorial Design Space

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Christopher Carlson: Arc Forms: Interactive Exploration of a Discrete Combinatorial Design Space. In: Bridges 2011. Pages 201–208



In the course of exploring parametric forms derived from corporate logos, I stumbled upon an elegant “minimum inventory, maximum diversity” system of forms. Due to combinatorial explosion, that discrete space of forms is unimaginably large. Using Mathematica, I explored not only the forms themselves, but also interfaces for grasping what that large space contains. Productive exploration depends on being able to explore the interfaces as fluidly as the forms themselves.

Extended Abstract


Used References

[1] Peter Pearce, Structure in Nature is a Strategy for Design, MIT Press, 1978

[2] Mathematica,

[3] Yasaburo Kuwayama, Trademarks & Symbols Volume 2: Symbolical Designs, Van Nostrand Reihnold Company, 1973, p109

[4] Christopher Carlson, “Interactive Exploration of Corporate Logos: From Mercedes Benz to Sea Creatures”, in BRIDGES Pécs Conference Proceedings, George W. Hart and Reza Sarhangi, eds, pp 119– 126, Tessellations Publishing, 2010

[5] Christopher Carlson, "Arc Form Discovery Widget" from The Wolfram Demonstrations Project

[6] Christopher Carlson, "Arc Form Design Widget" from The Wolfram Demonstrations Project


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