Creatively Subverting Messages in Posters

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Lorenzo Gatti, Marco Guerini, Charles Callaway, Oliviero Stock and Carlo Strapparava: Creatively Subverting Messages in Posters. In: Computational Creativity 2012 ICCC 2012.



Creativity is widely used in advertisements, and is meant to be appreciated by people. However creativity can also be used as a defense. When we walk in the street we are overwhelmed by messages which try to get our attention with any persuasive device at hand. As messages get ever more aggressive, often our basic cognitive defense – trying not to perceive those mes- sages – is not sufficient. One advanced defensive tech- nique is based on transforming the perceived message into something different (for instance irony or hyperbo- le) from what was originally meant in the message. In this paper we describe an implemented application for smartphones that creatively modifies the linguistic ex- pression in a virtual copy of the poster. The mobile sys- tem is inspired by the subvertising practice of counter- cultural art, and aims at experiencing aesthetic pleasure that relaxes the cognitive tension of the user.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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