Digitally Spelunking the Spline Mine

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Curtis Palmer: Digitally Spelunking the Spline Mine. In: Bridges 2005. Pages 309–312



The Spline Mine consists of unique representations of polyhedral domains produced by: 1. modeling the solids variously classed as: Platonic, Archimedean, Catalan, Kepler-Poinsot and Stellated Icosahedra; 2. projecting polyhedral surfaces onto a plane to produce linear maps; 3. converting these maps to symmetrical spline curves; 4. using these curves for the creation of derivative forms. These curves are painted, extruded, lofted, projected and blended to produce a range of forms including: 2D prints and animations; and 3D channels, bas-reliefs, and domes.

Extended Abstract


Used References

[1] J. Calhoun, Space and the Strategy of Life, Ekistics, vol. 29 #175 pp. 425-437, 1970

[2] H. S. M. Coxeter, Regular Polytopes, Dover Publications, pp. 76, 1973

[3] René Daumal, Mount Analog a Novel of Symbolically Authentic Non Euclidean Adventures in Mountain Climbing, p. 95, Penguin, 1974

[4] D. Dennett, Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, Penguin Books, pp. 135-145, 1995

[5] R. B. Fuller, Inventory of World Resources: Human Trends and Needs, Fuller Projects pp. 142-156, 1963

[6] R. B. Fuller, Synergetics, Macmillan, pp. xix, 1975

[7] J. K. Galbraith, Annals of an Abiding Liberal, Houghton Mifflin, 1979

[8] C.L. Palmer, Omniopticon: Design Alternatives for a Spherical Projection System, University of Alberta, 1994

[9] C. S. Smith, A Search for Structure, MIT Press, 1982


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