Aesthetics and emotions in images

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Joshi, D., Datta, R., Fedorovskaya, E., Luong, Q.T., Wang, J.Z., Li, J., Luo, J.: Aesthetics and emotions in images. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE 28(5) (2011) 94-115



In this tutorial, we define and discuss key aspects of the problem of computational inference of aesthetics and emotion from images. We begin with a background discussion on philosophy, photography, paintings, visual arts, and psychology. This is followed by introduction of a set of key computational problems that the research community has been striving to solve and the computational framework required for solving them. We also describe data sets available for performing assessment and outline several real-world applications where research in this domain can be employed. A significant number of papers that have attempted to solve problems in aesthetics and emotion inference are surveyed in this tutorial. We also discuss future directions that researchers can pursue and make a strong case for seriously attempting to solve problems in this research domain.

Extended Abstract


author={D. Joshi and R. Datta and E. Fedorovskaya and Q. T. Luong and J. Z. Wang and J. Li and J. Luo},
journal={IEEE Signal Processing Magazine},
title={Aesthetics and Emotions in Images},
keywords={art;image processing;inference mechanisms;painting;philosophical aspects;photography;psychology;aesthetics;computational inference;emotion inference;paintings;philosophy;photography;psychology;visual arts;Data visualization;Emotion recognition;Human factors;Painting;Photography;Semantics},

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