Algorithm evolution for face recognition

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Teller, A., Veloso, M.: Algorithm evolution for face recognition: what makes a picture difficult. In: IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation (1995).




One of the classic problems in computer vision is the face recognition problem. In general this problem can take on a wide variety of forms, but the most common face recognition problem is “Who is this a picture of?” Evolutionarycomputation has, in the past, been applied indirectlyto this problem through techniques like learning Neural Networks. This paper introduces a Genetic Programming style approach to learning algorithms that directly investigate face images and are coordinated into a face recognition system. Through a series of experiments, we will show that evolved algorithms can accomplish the face recognition task. We will also highlight several pitfalls and misconceptions surrounding face recognition as a learning problem.

Extended Abstract


Used References

D. Andre K. Kinnear Advances In Genetic Programming, pp.477 -494 1994 :MIT Press

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N. Intrator , D. Reisfeld and Y. Yeshurun "Face recognition using a hybrid supervised/unsupervised neural network", Proceedings of the Face and Object Recognition Conference, 1995

M. Johnson R. Brooks and P. Maes Artificial Life IV, 1994 :MIT Press

J. Koza Genetic Programming II, 1994 :MIT Press

T. Nguyen and T. Huang K. Kinnear Advances In Genetic Programming, 1994 :MIT Press

D. Pomerleau Neural Network Perception for Mobile Robot Guidance, 1992

J. Shufelt and T. Mitchell "Personal correspondence", Carnegie Mellon University, 1995

W. A. Tackett S. Forrest "Genetic programming for feature discovery and image discrimination", Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, 1993

A. Teller K. Kinnear and P. Angeline Advances in Genetic Programming II, 1996 :MIT Press

A. Teller and M. Veloso K. Ikeuchi and M. Veloso Symbolic Visual Learning, 1995 :Oxford University Press

A. Teller and M. Veloso S. Louis The International Journal of Expert Systems. Third Quarter. Special Issue on Genetic Algorithms and Knowledge Bases, 1995 :JAI Press

P. Viola "Feature-based recognition of objects", AAAI FSS on Machine Learning in Computer Vision, 1993


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