Arts, robots, and evolution as a tool for creativity

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Luigi Pagliarini, Henrik Hautop Lund: Arts, robots, and evolution as a tool for creativity. In: Bentley, Peter J.; Corne, David W.: Creative Evolutionary Systems. Academic Press, 2001. 367 - 385



In a human social context electronics has an inner and outer aspect—the software and the hardware, respectively. Moving from this background, the chapter investigates the relationship between art and technology. Technology or science produces deep changes in art. The chapter highlights the current relationship between art and electronics with respect to what is called “immaterial” and “material” art. The chapter emphasizes that while the exponential growth of electronics requires science-oriented artists, the explosion of technical knowledge also calls for teamwork. The chapter summarizes the current state of electronic art and outlines the characteristics of a new art form—“Alive Art”—characterized by perpetual change, interactivity, and vulnerability.

Extended Abstract


title = "Chapter 14 - Art, Robots, and Evolution as a Tool for Creativity ",
editor = "Corne, Peter J BentleyDavid W. ",
booktitle = "Creative Evolutionary Systems ",
publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann",
edition = "",
address = "San Francisco",
year = "2002",
pages = "367 - VII",
series = "The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Artificial Intelligence",
isbn = "978-1-55860-673-9",
doi = "",
url = ",_robots,_and_evolution_as_a_tool_for_creativity ",
author = "Luigi Pagliarini and Henrik Hautop Lund"

Used References

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