Automated Daily Production of Evolutionary Audio Visual Art — An Experimental Practice
Tatsuo Unemi: Automated Daily Production of Evolutionary Audio Visual Art — An Experimental Practice. In: Computational Creativity 2014 ICCC 2014, 33-37.
Evolutionary computing based on computational aes- thetic measure as fitness criteria is one of the possi- ble methods to let the machine make art. The au- thor developed and set up a computer system that pro- duces ten short animations consisting sequences of ab- stract images and sound effects everyday. The produced pieces are published on the internet using three meth- ods, movie files, HTML5 + WebGL, and a special appli- cation software. The latter two methods provides view- ers experiences of a high resolution lossless animation. Their digest versions are also uploaded on a popular web service of movie sharing. It started October 2011. It is still in an experimental level that we need to brush up, but it has not always but often succeeded to engage the viewers.
Extended Abstract
@inproceedings{ author = {Tatsuo Unemi}, title = {Automated Daily Production of Evolutionary Audio Visual Art — An Experimental Practice}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Creativity}, series = {ICCC2014}, year = {2014}, month = {Jun}, location = {Ljubljana, Slovenia}, pages = {33-37}, url = {,—_An_Experimental_Practice }, publisher = {International Association for Computational Creativity}, keywords = {computational, creativity}, }
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