Batik Fractal : Traditional Art to Modern Complexity

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Muhamad Lukman, Yun Hariadi, Achmad Haldani Destiarmand: Batik Fractal : Traditional Art to Modern Complexity. In: Generative Art 2007.



Fractal Dimension Analysis with Fourier Transformation for Batik shows the presence of fractal with range between 1 and 2. The Isen process ( filling smaller motifs after the bigger motifs are done ) is a significant factor which made the Self Affine,a fractal’s characteristic, appear. Analysis of Variance/ ANOVA Test for Fractal Dimension classified several batiks that have similar value, according to their motifs and their place of origins. Furthermore, Fractal Dimension spreads almost symmetrically in every angle, except for banji motifs where the symmetry appears less. According to their place of origin, Yogya and Solo has similar Fractal Dimension with batik from Madura and Garut, but Madura and Garut themselves has different Fractal Dimensions.

The presence of fractal in batik indicates the presence of complexity in this traditional art. The complexity emerges because the effort to obey pakem rule (symbolic meanings, harmony, symmetry) and media limitations (canting, wax)

Extended Abstract


Used References

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