Benford's Law for Natural and Synthetic Images

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Esteve del Acebo, Mateu Sbert: Benford's Law for Natural and Synthetic Images. In: László Neumann, Mateu Sbert, Bruce Gooch, Werner Purgathofer (Eds.): Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics. 2005. 169-176



Benford's Law (also known as the First Digit Law) is well known in statistics of natural phenomena. It states that, when dealing with quantities obtained from Nature, the frequency of appearance of each digit in the first significant place is logarithmic. This law has been observed over a broad range of statistical phenomena. In this paper, we will explore its application to image analysis. We will show how light intensities in natural images, under certain constraints, obey this law closely. We will also show how light intensities in synthetic images follow this law whenever they are generated using physically realistic methods, and fail otherwise. Finally, we will study how transformations on the images affect the adjustment to the Law and how the fitting to the law is related to the fitting of the distribution of the raw intensities of the image to a power law.

Extended Abstract


author = {Acebo, E. and Sbert, M.},
title = {Benford's Law for Natural and Synthetic Images},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First Eurographics Conference on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging},
series = {Computational Aesthetics'05},
year = {2005},
isbn = {3-905673-27-4},
location = {Girona, Spain},
pages = {169--176},
numpages = {8},
url = {'s_Law_for_Natural_and_Synthetic_Images },
doi = {10.2312/COMPAESTH/COMPAESTH05/169-176},
acmid = {2381243},
publisher = {Eurographics Association},
address = {Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland},

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