Bridges 2000: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 17: Zeile 17:
* Slavik Jablan: Symmetry and Ornament. Pages 1–12
* Slavik Jablan: Symmetry and Ornament. Pages 1–12
Hyperbolic Celtic Knot Patterns
* Douglas Dunham: Hyperbolic Celtic Knot Patterns. Pages 13–22
Douglas Dunham
Pages 13–22
"- To Build a Twisted Bridge -"
* Carlo H. Séquin: "- To Build a Twisted Bridge -". Pages 23–34
Carlo H. Séquin
Pages 23–34
Sections Beyond Golden
* Peter Steinbach: Sections Beyond Golden. Pages 35–44
Peter Steinbach
Pages 35–44
M.C. Escher's Associations with Scientists
* J. Taylor Hollist: M.C. Escher's Associations with Scientists. Pages 45–52
J. Taylor Hollist
Pages 45–52
The Art and Science of Symmetric Design
* Michael Field: The Art and Science of Symmetric Design. Pages 53–60
Michael Field
Pages 53–60
Mathematical Building Blocks for Evolving Expressions
* Gary R. Greenfield: Mathematical Building Blocks for Evolving Expressions. Pages 61–70
Gary R. Greenfield
Pages 61–70
Symbolic Logic with a Light Touch
* Charles C. Pinter: Symbolic Logic with a Light Touch. Pages 71–78
Charles C. Pinter
Pages 71–78
Subsymmetry Analysis and Synthesis of Architectural Designs
* Jin-Ho Park: Subsymmetry Analysis and Synthesis of Architectural Designs. Pages 79–86
Jin-Ho Park
Pages 79–86
Beyond the Golden Section - the Golden tip of the iceberg
* John Sharp: Beyond the Golden Section - the Golden tip of the iceberg. Pages 87–98
John Sharp
Pages 87–98
Towards a Methodological View on (Computer-Assisted) Music Analysis
* Nico Schuler: Towards a Methodological View on (Computer-Assisted) Music Analysis. Pages 99–104
Nico Schuler
Pages 99–104
Computer Generated Islamic Star Patterns
* Craig S. Kaplan: Computer Generated Islamic Star Patterns. Pages 105–112
Craig S. Kaplan
Pages 105–112
The Subtle Symmetry of Golden Spirals
* Alvin Swimmer: The Subtle Symmetry of Golden Spirals. Pages 113–118
Alvin Swimmer
Pages 113–118
Nearing Convergence: An Interactive Set Design for Dance
* Benigna Chilla: Nearing Convergence: An Interactive Set Design for Dance. Pages 119–124
Benigna Chilla
Pages 119–124
Evolutionary Development of Mathematically Defined Forms
* Robert J. Krawczyk: Evolutionary Development of Mathematically Defined Forms. Pages 125–132
Robert J. Krawczyk
Pages 125–132
Spiral Tilings
* Paul Gailiunas: Spiral Tilings. Pages 133–140
Paul Gailiunas
Pages 133–140
Musical Composition as Applied Mathematics: Set Theory and Probability in Iannis Xenakis's "Herma"
* Ronald Squibbs: Musical Composition as Applied Mathematics: Set Theory and Probability in Iannis Xenakis's "Herma". Pages 141–152
Ronald Squibbs
Pages 141–152
Number Series as an Expression Model
* Elpida S. Tzafestas: Number Series as an Expression Model. Pages 153–160
Elpida S. Tzafestas
Pages 153–160
An Iconography of Reason and Roses
* Sarah Stengle: An Iconography of Reason and Roses. Pages 161–168
Sarah Stengle
Pages 161–168
The End of the Well-Tempered Clavichord?
* W. Douglas Maurer: The End of the Well-Tempered Clavichord? Pages 169–176
W. Douglas Maurer
Pages 169–176
The Generation of the Cube and the Cube as Generator
* María Antonia Frías Sagardoy and Ana Belén de Isla Gómez: The Generation of the Cube and the Cube as Generator. Pages 177–184
María Antonia Frías Sagardoy and Ana Belén de Isla Gómez
Pages 177–184
Applications of Fractal Geometry to the Player Piano Music of Conlon Nancarrow
* Julie Scrivener: Applications of Fractal Geometry to the Player Piano Music of Conlon Nancarrow. Pages 185–192
Julie Scrivener
Pages 185–192
Maximally Even Sets
* Richard Krantz, Jack Douthett and John Clough: Maximally Even Sets. Pages 193–200
Richard Krantz, Jack Douthett and John Clough
Pages 193–200
On Musical Space and Combinatorics: Historical and Conceptual Perspectives in Music Theory
* Catherine Nolan: On Musical Space and Combinatorics: Historical and Conceptual Perspectives in Music Theory. Pages 201–208
Catherine Nolan
Pages 201–208
The Millennium Bookball
* George W. Hart: The Millennium Bookball. Pages 209–216
George W. Hart
Pages 209–216
A Topology for Figural Ambiguity
* Thaddeus M. Cowan: A Topology for Figural Ambiguity. Pages 217–224
Thaddeus M. Cowan
Pages 217–224
Synetic Structure
* F. Flowerday: Synetic Structure. Pages 225–230
F. Flowerday
Pages 225–230
From the Circle to the Icosahedron
* Eva Knoll: From the Circle to the Icosahedron. Pages 231–238
Eva Knoll
Pages 231–238
Uniform Polychora
* Jonathan Bowers: Uniform Polychora. Pages 239–246
Jonathan Bowers
Pages 239–246
The Square, the Circle and the Golden Proportion - A New Class of Geometrical Constructions
* Janusz Kapusta: The Square, the Circle and the Golden Proportion - A New Class of Geometrical Constructions. Pages 247–254
Janusz Kapusta
Pages 247–254
A Fresh Look at Number
* Jay Kappraff and Gary W. Adamson: A Fresh Look at Number. Pages 255–266
Jay Kappraff and Gary W. Adamson
Pages 255–266
On Growth and Form in Nature and Art: The Projective Geometry of Plant Buds and Greek Vases
* Stephen Eberhart: On Growth and Form in Nature and Art: The Projective Geometry of Plant Buds and Greek Vases. Pages 267–278
Stephen Eberhart
Pages 267–278
Exploring Art with Mathematics and Computer Programming
* Alberto López-Santoyo: Exploring Art with Mathematics and Computer Programming. Pages 279–284
Alberto López-Santoyo
Pages 279–284
Self-similar Tilings Based on Prototiles Constructed from Segments of Regular Polygons
* Robert W. Fathauer: Self-similar Tilings Based on Prototiles Constructed from Segments of Regular Polygons. Pages 285–292
Robert W. Fathauer
Pages 285–292
Polyhedral Models in Group Theory and Graph Theory
* Raymond F. Tennant: Polyhedral Models in Group Theory and Graph Theory. Pages 293–300
Raymond F. Tennant
Pages 293–300
Generalized Koch Snowflakes
* Cheri Shakiban and Janine E. Bergstedt: Generalized Koch Snowflakes. Pages 301–308
Cheri Shakiban and Janine E. Bergstedt
Pages 301–308
Visualization: From Biology to Culture
* Brent Collins: Visualization: From Biology to Culture. Pages 309–314
Brent Collins
Pages 309–314
What Do you See?
* Nathaniel A. Friedman: What Do you See? Pages 315–322
Nathaniel A. Friedman
Pages 315–322
Persian Arts: A Brief Study
* Reza Sarhangi: Persian Arts: A Brief Study. Pages 323–330
Reza Sarhangi
Pages 323–330
Polyhedra, Learning by Building: Design and Use of a Math-Ed Tool
* Simon Morgan and Eva Knoll: Polyhedra, Learning by Building: Design and Use of a Math-Ed Tool. Pages 331–338
Simon Morgan and Eva Knoll
Pages 331–338
Symmetry and Beauty of Human Faces
* Teresa Breyer: Symmetry and Beauty of Human Faces. Pages 339–346
Teresa Breyer
Pages 339–346
The Rubik's-Cube Design Problem
* Hana M. Bizek: The Rubik's-Cube Design Problem. Pages 347–352
Hana M. Bizek
Pages 347–352
Mathematics and Art: Bill and Escher
* Michele Emmer: Mathematics and Art: Bill and Escher. Pages 353–362
Michele Emmer
Pages 353–362
Bridges, June Bugs, and Creativity
* Daniel F. Daniel and Gar Bethel: Bridges, June Bugs, and Creativity. Pages 363–368
Daniel F. Daniel and Gar Bethel
Pages 363–368
Saccades and Perceptual Geometry: Symmetry Detection through Entropy Minimization
* Hamid Eghbalnia and Amir Assadi: Saccades and Perceptual Geometry: Symmetry Detection through Entropy Minimization. Pages 369–378
Hamid Eghbalnia and Amir Assadi
Pages 369–378
Structures: Categorical and Cognitive
* Mara Alagić: Structures: Categorical and Cognitive. Pages 379–386
Mara Alagić
Pages 379–386
Bridges between Antiquity and the New Turkish Architecture in the 19th Century
* Zafer Sagdic: Bridges between Antiquity and the New Turkish Architecture in the 19th Century. Pages 387–394
Zafer Sagdic
Pages 387–394
Humor and Music in the Mathematics Classroom - Abstract
* James G. Eberhart: Humor and Music in the Mathematics Classroom - Abstract. Pages 395–395
James G. Eberhart
Pages 395–395
The Development of Integrated Curricula: Connections between Mathematics and the Arts - Abstracts
* Virginia Usnick: The Development of Integrated Curricula: Connections between Mathematics and the Arts - Abstracts. Pages 396–396
Virginia Usnick
Pages 396–396
The Golden Ratio and How it Pertains to Art - Abstract
* Michael J. Nasvadi and Mahbobeh Vezvaei: The Golden Ratio and How it Pertains to Art - Abstract. Pages 397–397
Michael J. Nasvadi and Mahbobeh Vezvaei
Pages 397–397
The Art and Mathematics of Tessellation - Abstract
* Travis Ethridge: The Art and Mathematics of Tessellation - Abstract. Pages 398–398
Travis Ethridge
Pages 398–398
Biological Applications of Symmetry for the Classroom - Abstract
* Patrick Ross: Biological Applications of Symmetry for the Classroom - Abstract. Pages 399–399
Patrick Ross
Pages 399–399
Exploring Technology in the Classroom - Abstract
* Terry Quiett: Exploring Technology in the Classroom - Abstract. Pages 400–400
Terry Quiett
Pages 400–400
On Visual Mathematics in Art - Abstract
* Clifford Singer: On Visual Mathematics in Art - Abstract. Pages 401–402
Clifford Singer
Pages 401–402
A Bridge for the Bridges - Abstract
* Jason Barnett: A Bridge for the Bridges - Abstract. Pages 403–404
Jason Barnett
Pages 403–404

Version vom 13. Dezember 2014, 13:06 Uhr


Reza Sarhangi: Bridges 2000, Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture. 3th Annual Bridges Conference, 2000. ISBN 0-9665201-2-2.



Extended Abstract



Table of contents

  • Douglas Dunham: Hyperbolic Celtic Knot Patterns. Pages 13–22
  • Carlo H. Séquin: "- To Build a Twisted Bridge -". Pages 23–34
  • Peter Steinbach: Sections Beyond Golden. Pages 35–44
  • J. Taylor Hollist: M.C. Escher's Associations with Scientists. Pages 45–52
  • Michael Field: The Art and Science of Symmetric Design. Pages 53–60
  • Gary R. Greenfield: Mathematical Building Blocks for Evolving Expressions. Pages 61–70
  • Charles C. Pinter: Symbolic Logic with a Light Touch. Pages 71–78
  • Jin-Ho Park: Subsymmetry Analysis and Synthesis of Architectural Designs. Pages 79–86
  • John Sharp: Beyond the Golden Section - the Golden tip of the iceberg. Pages 87–98
  • Nico Schuler: Towards a Methodological View on (Computer-Assisted) Music Analysis. Pages 99–104
  • Craig S. Kaplan: Computer Generated Islamic Star Patterns. Pages 105–112
  • Alvin Swimmer: The Subtle Symmetry of Golden Spirals. Pages 113–118
  • Benigna Chilla: Nearing Convergence: An Interactive Set Design for Dance. Pages 119–124
  • Robert J. Krawczyk: Evolutionary Development of Mathematically Defined Forms. Pages 125–132
  • Paul Gailiunas: Spiral Tilings. Pages 133–140
  • Ronald Squibbs: Musical Composition as Applied Mathematics: Set Theory and Probability in Iannis Xenakis's "Herma". Pages 141–152
  • Elpida S. Tzafestas: Number Series as an Expression Model. Pages 153–160
  • Sarah Stengle: An Iconography of Reason and Roses. Pages 161–168
  • W. Douglas Maurer: The End of the Well-Tempered Clavichord? Pages 169–176
  • María Antonia Frías Sagardoy and Ana Belén de Isla Gómez: The Generation of the Cube and the Cube as Generator. Pages 177–184
  • Julie Scrivener: Applications of Fractal Geometry to the Player Piano Music of Conlon Nancarrow. Pages 185–192
  • Richard Krantz, Jack Douthett and John Clough: Maximally Even Sets. Pages 193–200
  • Catherine Nolan: On Musical Space and Combinatorics: Historical and Conceptual Perspectives in Music Theory. Pages 201–208
  • George W. Hart: The Millennium Bookball. Pages 209–216
  • Thaddeus M. Cowan: A Topology for Figural Ambiguity. Pages 217–224
  • F. Flowerday: Synetic Structure. Pages 225–230
  • Eva Knoll: From the Circle to the Icosahedron. Pages 231–238
  • Jonathan Bowers: Uniform Polychora. Pages 239–246
  • Janusz Kapusta: The Square, the Circle and the Golden Proportion - A New Class of Geometrical Constructions. Pages 247–254
  • Jay Kappraff and Gary W. Adamson: A Fresh Look at Number. Pages 255–266
  • Stephen Eberhart: On Growth and Form in Nature and Art: The Projective Geometry of Plant Buds and Greek Vases. Pages 267–278
  • Alberto López-Santoyo: Exploring Art with Mathematics and Computer Programming. Pages 279–284
  • Robert W. Fathauer: Self-similar Tilings Based on Prototiles Constructed from Segments of Regular Polygons. Pages 285–292
  • Raymond F. Tennant: Polyhedral Models in Group Theory and Graph Theory. Pages 293–300
  • Cheri Shakiban and Janine E. Bergstedt: Generalized Koch Snowflakes. Pages 301–308
  • Brent Collins: Visualization: From Biology to Culture. Pages 309–314
  • Nathaniel A. Friedman: What Do you See? Pages 315–322
  • Reza Sarhangi: Persian Arts: A Brief Study. Pages 323–330
  • Simon Morgan and Eva Knoll: Polyhedra, Learning by Building: Design and Use of a Math-Ed Tool. Pages 331–338
  • Teresa Breyer: Symmetry and Beauty of Human Faces. Pages 339–346
  • Hana M. Bizek: The Rubik's-Cube Design Problem. Pages 347–352
  • Michele Emmer: Mathematics and Art: Bill and Escher. Pages 353–362
  • Daniel F. Daniel and Gar Bethel: Bridges, June Bugs, and Creativity. Pages 363–368
  • Hamid Eghbalnia and Amir Assadi: Saccades and Perceptual Geometry: Symmetry Detection through Entropy Minimization. Pages 369–378
  • Mara Alagić: Structures: Categorical and Cognitive. Pages 379–386
  • Zafer Sagdic: Bridges between Antiquity and the New Turkish Architecture in the 19th Century. Pages 387–394
  • James G. Eberhart: Humor and Music in the Mathematics Classroom - Abstract. Pages 395–395
  • Virginia Usnick: The Development of Integrated Curricula: Connections between Mathematics and the Arts - Abstracts. Pages 396–396
  • Michael J. Nasvadi and Mahbobeh Vezvaei: The Golden Ratio and How it Pertains to Art - Abstract. Pages 397–397
  • Travis Ethridge: The Art and Mathematics of Tessellation - Abstract. Pages 398–398
  • Patrick Ross: Biological Applications of Symmetry for the Classroom - Abstract. Pages 399–399
  • Terry Quiett: Exploring Technology in the Classroom - Abstract. Pages 400–400
  • Clifford Singer: On Visual Mathematics in Art - Abstract. Pages 401–402
  • Jason Barnett: A Bridge for the Bridges - Abstract. Pages 403–404


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