Chinese pattern design using generative shape grammar

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Cui Jia, Ming Xi Tang: Chinese pattern design using generative shape grammar. In: Generative Art 2010.



Art design, especially graphic design, is an abstractive and intuitive process which is difficult to formulate apart from visualization. Shape Grammar can be a powerful tool using the elements of shapes and rules for transformations. With a rule base, the application of Shape Grammar can orient the future shape development to a promising direction. Yunnan embroidery patterns have a long history and local cultural features. They are created by villagers who lived in the country close to nature, with imaginative natural curves, shapes and colours. Most of the applications on Shape Grammar so far are based on the orthogonal lines. However, this study creates curvy patterns with different colours by analyzing the characters of the existing embroideries created by the villagers, aiming at achieving auto-generation of new patterns with the similar features. The whole process is based on a generative system with a Shape Grammar representation in two-dimensional space. The intent of this study is to show that such SG and representation can support human designers to create newer styles easily, faster and visually.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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