Computational Aesthetics 2017

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Extended Abstract



 editor = {},
 booktitle = {Expressive 2017: Joint Symposium of Computational Aesthetics (CAe), Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR), Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBIM}},
 year = {2017},
 location = {Los Angeles, CA, USA},
 url = { },
 ISBN = {978-1-4503-5080-8}, 
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},

Table of contents

CAE '17: Proceedings of the symposium on Computational Aesthetics

SESSION: Brushes

Kuno Kurzhals, Michael Stoll, Andrés Bruhn, Daniel Weiskopf: FlowBrush: optical flow art.

SESSION: 3D (the third dimension)

Kapil Dev, Nicolas Villar, Manfred Lau: Polygons, points, or voxels?: stimuli selection for crowdsourcing aesthetics preferences of 3D shape pairs

Sehee Min, Jaedong Lee, Jungdam Won, Jehee Lee: Soft shadow art.

SESSION: Abstraction

Lena Gieseke, Paul Asente, Jingwan Lu, Martin Fuchs: Organized order in ornamentation.

Rosa Azami, David Mould: Detail and color enhancement in photo stylization.

SESSION: Image BCC (benchmarking, coloring, and clustering)

Dmitry Kuzovkin, Tania Pouli, Rémi Cozot, Olivier Le Meur, Jonathan Kervec, Kadi Bouatouch: Context-aware clustering and assessment of photo collections.

SESSION: General submissions (abstracts)

Irene de la Torre-Arenas, Pedro Cruz: A taxonomy of motion applications in data visualization.

Saif Castaneda, Ergun Akleman: Shading with painterly filtered layers: a technique to obtain painterly portrait animations.

Chun-An Lai, Pei-Ying Chiang: Modeling go: a mobile sketch-based modeling system for extracting objects.

Ozan Can, Altıok Tevfik, Metin Sezgin: Characterizing user behavior for speech and sketch-based video retrieval interfaces.

Amal Dev, Parakkat Sarang, Anil Joshi, Uday Bondi, Pundarikaksha Ramanathan Muthuganapathy: Sketch and shade: an interactive assistant for sketching and shading.

NPAR '17: Proceedings of the Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering

SESSION: Brushes

Elad Aharoni-Mack, Yakov Shambik, Dani Lischinski: Pigment-based recoloring of watercolor paintings.

Santiago E. Montesdeoca, Hock Soon, Seah Pierre, Bénard Romain, Vergne Joëlle Thollot, Hans-Martin Rall, Davide Benvenuti: Edge- and substrate-based effects for watercolor stylization.

SESSION: Style transfer

Ming Zheng, Antoine Milliez, Markus Gross, Robert W. Sumner: Example-based brushes for coherent stylized renderings.

Xiao-Chang Liu Ming-Ming Cheng Yu-Kun Lai Paul L. Rosin: Depth-aware neural style transfer.

Amir Semmo Tobias Isenberg Jürgen Döllner: Neural style transfer: a paradigm shift for image-based artistic rendering?

SESSION: Mapping, patterns, and order

S. Alex Brown, Faramarz Samavati: Real-time panorama maps.

Chenxi Liu Jessica Hodgins James McCann: Whole-cloth quilting patterns from photographs.

SESSION: Abstraction

Marc Spicker, Franz Hahn, Thomas Lindemeier, Dietmar Saupe, Oliver Deussen: Quantifying visual abstraction quality for stipple drawings.

Noura Faraj, Gui-Song Xia, Julie Delon, Yann Gousseau: A generic framework for the structured abstraction of images.

SESSION: Image BCC (benchmarking, coloring, and clustering)

Sylvain Duchêne, Carlos Aliaga, Tania Pouli, Patrick Pérez. Mixed illumination analysis in single image for interactive color grading.

Paul L. Rosin, David Mould, Itamar Berger, John Collomosse, Yu-Kun Lai, Chuan Li, Hua Li, Ariel Shamir, Michael Wand, Tinghuai Wang, Holger Winnemöller: Benchmarking non-photorealistic rendering of portraits.


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Sonstige Links

CAE '17: Proceedings of the symposium on Computational Aesthetics July 2017

SBIM '17: Proceedings of the Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling

NPAR '17: Proceedings of the Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering