Creative Generation of 3D Objects with Deep Learning and Innovation Engines

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Joel Lehman, Sebastian Risi and Jeff Clune: Creative Generation of 3D Objects with Deep Learning and Innovation Engines. In: Computational Creativity 2016 ICCC 2016, 180-187



Advances in supervised learning with deep neural networks have enabled robust classification in many real world domains. An interesting question is if such advances can also be leveraged effectively for computational creativity. One insight is that because evolutionary algorithms are free from strict requirements of mathematical smoothness, they can exploit powerful deep learning representations through arbitrary computational pipelines. In this way, deep networks trained on typical supervised tasks can be used as an ingredient in an evolutionary algorithm driven towards creativity. To highlight such potential, this paper creates novel 3D objects by leveraging feedback from a deep network trained only to recognize 2D images. This idea is tested by extending previous work with Innovation Engines, i.e. a principled combination of deep learning and evolutionary algorithms for computational creativity. The results of this automated process are interesting and recognizable 3D-printable objects, demonstrating the creative potential for combining evolutionary computation and deep learning in this way.

Extended Abstract


 author = {Joel Lehman, Sebastian Risi and Jeff Clune},
 title = {Creative Generation of 3D Objects with Deep Learning and Innovation Engines},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Creativity},
 series = {ICCC2016},
 year = {2016},
 month = {Jun-July},
 location = {Paris, France},
 pages = {180-187},
 url = { },
 publisher = {Sony CSL Paris},

Used References

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