Evolution design of buildable objects with blind builder: an empirical study

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Alexandre Devert and Nicolas Bredeche and Marc Schoenauer: Evolution design of buildable objects with blind builder: an empirical study. Proceedings of the Third Asian-Pacific workshop on Genetic Programming, pp. 98-109, 2006.



In a previous paper, we presented BlindBuilder, a new repre- sentation formalism for Evolutionary Design based on construction plans. As for other indirect encoding approaches in the literature, BlindBuilder makes it possible to easily represent possible solutions but makes it dif- ficult to perform structural optimization. While satisfying results are provided, it becomes more and more difficult to build larger structures during the course of evolution. This is due to the high disruptive rate of variation operators as construction plans grow. In this paper, we provide an analysis of such a problem and propose new construction operators to avoid this. Then, we perform extensive experiments so as to identify the key parameters and discuss the advantages, limitations and possible perspectives of the indirect enconding approach.

Extended Abstract


Used References

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