Generative Art Inspired by Nature, Using NodeBox

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Smedt, Tom De; Lechat, Ludivine; Daelemans, Walter: Generative Art Inspired by Nature, Using NodeBox. In: EvoMUSART 2011, S. 264-273.



NodeBox is a free application for producing generative art. This paper gives an overview of the nature-inspired functionality in NodeBox and the artworks we created using it. We demonstrate how it can be used for evolutionary computation in the context of computer games and art, and discuss some of our recent research with the aim to simulate (artistic) brainstorming using language processing techniques and semantic networks.

Extended Abstract


booktitle={Applications of Evolutionary Computation},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor={Di Chio, Cecilia and Brabazon, Anthony and Di Caro, GianniA. and Drechsler, Rolf and Farooq, Muddassar and Grahl, Jörn and Greenfield, Gary and Prins, Christian and Romero, Juan and Squillero, Giovanni and Tarantino, Ernesto and Tettamanzi, AndreaG.B. and Urquhart, Neil and Uyar, A.Şima},
title={Generative Art Inspired by Nature, Using NodeBox},
url={,_Using_NodeBox },
publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
keywords={computer graphics; generative art; emergence; natural language processing},
author={De Smedt, Tom and Lechat, Ludivine and Daelemans, Walter},

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