Is Evolution Creative?

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Bentley, P. J.: Is Evolution Creative?. In P. J. Bentley and D. Corne (Eds.), Proceedings of the AISB’99 Symposium on Creative Evolutionary Systems (CES), pp. 28–34. Published by The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB). Edinburgh.1999.



Can evolution demonstrate some of the properties of creativity? This paper argues that it can, and provides examples which the author feels illustrate some of the awesome power and feats of design which resemble creativity. Is evolution, then, truly creative? This is clearly a much harder question, for it requires a definition of creativity – that most subjective and controversial of words. This paper explores and discusses various aspects of creativity, attempting to determine to what extent evolution satisfies each definition. The paper ends by summarizing the discussion, and presenting amalgama- tions of four different worldviews.

Extended Abstract


Used References

Bentley, P.J. (Ed.) Evolutionary Design by Computers. Morgan Kaufman Pub., 1999.

Boden, M. A. The Creative Mind : Myths & Mecha- nisms. Basic Books Pub., 1992.

Gero, J. S. Computers and Creative Design, In M.Tan and R.Teh (eds), The Global Design Studio, Na- tional University of Singapore, pp. 11-19, 1996.

Gero, J. S. & Kazakov, V. (1996) An exploration-based evolutionary model of generative design process. Microcomputers In Civil Engineering 11, 209-216.

Dawkins, R. The Blind Watchmaker. Longman Scien- tific & Technical Pub., 1986.

Dawkins, R. The Evolution of Evolvability. Artificial Life. The Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Work- shop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems,Vol. VI, Langton, C. G. (ed.), September, 1987, Los Alamos, New Mexico, Addison-Wesley Pub. Corp, pp.201-220, 1989.

French, M. J., (1994). Invention and Evolution: Design in Nature and Engineering, 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press.

Goldberg, D. E.. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimi- zation & Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley, 1989.

Goldberg, D. E. The Race, the Hurdle, and the Sweet Spot: Lessons from Genetic Algorithms for the Automation of Design Innovation and Creativity. In Bentley, P.J. (Ed.) Evolutionary Design by Comput- ers. Morgan Kaufman Pub., 1999.

Holland, J. H. Emergence: Chaos to Order. Oxford Uni- versty Press, 1998.

Rosenman, M. The Generation of form Using an Evolu- tionary Approach. Dasgupta, D. & Michalewicz (eds), Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Ap- plications, Springer-Verlag Pub., 69-86, 1997


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